RayBan glasses/ Na-kd scarf (here!), jacket (here!), top (here!) and skirt (here!)/ Stella McCartney bag/ Hush shoes – adlinks
Här kommer dagens look! Filmade ju en haul idag och här är en av looksen, så ni får se den i rörligt material imorgon. ;-) Jag matchade med en orange väska jag helt hade glömt bort att jag hade, hittade den förra veckan när jag rensade här hemma. Jag älskar ju sets som ni vet, så det här är ett set som funkar lika bra med jeansjacka och sneakers som med klackar och en skinnjacka! Idag har vi hängt hemma, gått till stan en sväng för att gå och signa några papper. Jon håller ju på och säljer huset i Marbella då vi vill köpa något ihop istället, även om jag älskar det huset och det känns som hemma skulle det kännas roligare om det är “mitt” hus också. Förstår ni vad jag menar? :-) En del pappersjobb och bankmöten inför det men vi börjar komma en bit på vägen iallafall, superspännande! Lovar att hålla er uppdaterade på den fronten så fort något nytt händer. Nu – dra på oss träningskläder och köra ett kvällspass! Alla är trötta men vi ska ta oss ut iallafall, haha! PUSS, ha en fin kväll <3
//Here’s today’s look! I filmed a haul today and this is one of the looks, so you’ll get to see it in video format tomorrow. ;-) I matched with an orange bag that I totally forgot that I had, found it last week when I cleaned out at home. I love sets as you know, so this is a set that works just as good with a denim jacket and sneakers as with heels and a leather jacket! Today we’ve been hanging out at home, went to town to sign some papers. Jon is about to sell the house in Marbella since we want to buy something together instead, even if I love that house and it feels like home it would be more fun if it’s “my” house too. Do you know what I mean? :-) A lot of paper work and bank meetings before that but we’re getting there, super exciting! I promise to keep you guys updated on that as soon as something new happens. Now – put on workout clothes and go for a night workout! All of us are tired but we’re heading out anyways, haha! HUGS, have a great night <3
Looks great!
So your bank will help you to buy half a house in Marbella?
What about moving to a larger apartment in Monaco?
You and Jon are both supposed to spend a minimum of 6 months
in Monaco every year to keep your non-citizen resident status.
We are looking at bigger apartments in Monaco all the time, but we still want a summer house and we can’t afford it in Monaco. That’s why! ;-) We don’t really spend 6 months anywhere, it’s hard with our jobs but we try to spend as much time as possible in Monaco and we were just there for one month straight which was amazing! :-)
Hmmm not my fav. outfit, not so flattering.?
Happy to hear about the house sale. And I cant wait to see what you are going to buy together!?
Not really in love with this outfit…
Love the combo of the silver and orange! Need this set in my life, haha! Good luck with house hunting, can’t wait to see what you guys end up with. X
You look so cool in this outfit, haha! I am so in love with orange lately so I got so happy when I saw how you match it, it’s usually pretty hard color to match. Sorry if my English is not perfect but I am working on learning! ;) Hugs
Your english is great! :-) Thanks babe! Xx
Such a cool and different look! Would never think of matching orange with this grey/silver but they go so well together. Hope all is going smooth with banks etc, I know it can be a pain in the a** ;-) Xo
Wow du ser helt fantastisk ut :) Angående huset i Marbella, tenker dere å pusse opp det nye sommerhuset deres når dere kjøper det?
Wow! Så häftig outfit, gillar hur du stylat den med den orangea färgen som sticker ut! Lycka till med husletandet, ska bli kul att se vad ni hittar tillsammans :)
Snygg kjol! :)
Looking forward to the haul video, like your videos so much.
It sounds so exciting to buy a house and decorating is so much fun.
Lots of love xx
OMG!!! n love with this look <3 Looks casual but cute at the same time :)
Love the two piece set with the denim jacket and a pop of orange!
love love love!! Great styling and thanks for sharing Janni x
Millie x
Such a cool and different outfit! Hope you find a nice new house :)
Yes I know exactly what you mean about the house. Totally different vibe to move into someone’s place they already own versus getting a place together.Good luck with the house hunting!
Such a lovely look!
I loooove the orange vibes!
You go well together with color ;)
Good luck on the house, I totally get it that you want to have your own input.
Girl bosses rock, haha! ????