God morgon hjärtan och TACK för er feedback! Herregud vad jag har saknat att snacka med er, eller iallafall att få massa feedback! Jag jobbar ju med mina kanaler varje dag för att ni ska få bra underhållning och det ni vill läsa om, självklart för att jag älskar att skapa kontent också men det är ju er feedback som är det roliga. :-) En liten summering då – ni verkar vilja ha mer personligt. Jag ska försöka mitt bästa med det, I promise. :-)

//Good morning loves and THANKS for your feedback! Oh my god what I’ve missed talking to you, or at least getting lots of feedback! I’m working with my channels every day to give you guys good entertainment and what you want to read about, of course I love creating content but your feedback is the best part. :-) A small summary then – you guys seem to want more personal stuff. I will try my best with that, I swear. :-)

Kul att ni vill ha mer outfits, det är nog det jag gillar mest då mode är min favorit-hobby! ;-) Fick med mig att ni vill ha en liten mix också och inte bara sommarkläder, men det har varit svårt här i Monaco då det har varit supersvettigt, haha! Men jag ska jobba på att variera sommarlooksen!

//I love that you guys want more outfits, that’s probably what I like the most since fashion is my favorite hobby! ;-) I also wrote down that you want more of a mix and not just summer clothes, but it’s been hard here in Monaco since it’s been super sweaty, haha! But I’m gonna work on vary my summer looks! 

Ni alla verkar vilja ha mer träning, vilket känns kul! Nu tränar vi ju mycket mer än innan och jag har helt enkelt bara kört på och inte tänkt på att skriva om det. Jag ska försöka få till ett träningspass till er i dagarna! Så kul om jag kan inspirera er till ett hälsosamt liv. :-)

//All of you seem to want more training, which feels super fun! We’re training a lot more now than before and I’ve just been doing it and not given it a thought to actually write about it. I will try to make a workout for you guys these days! So fun that I can inspire you to a healthier life. :-)

Mat, recept och “diet”. Äter gör man ju flera gånger om dagen (jag äter typ 5-6 mål om dagen, hungrig tjej), så det ska jag bli bättre på att dela med mig av. Allt ifrån recept till vad jag äter på en dag, det verkar ni gilla! :-)

//Food, recipes and “diet”. You eat several times a day (I eat like 5-6 times a day, hungry girl), so I will get better at sharing that. Everything from recipes to what I eat in a day, you guys seem to like that! :-)

Beauty och hudvård, jag har ju aldrig riktigt brytt mig så mycket innan men jag har precis köpt nya produkter så jag ska visa vad jag använder nu! :-)

//Beauty and skincare, I haven’t really cared too much before but I just bought new products so I will show you what I use right now! :-)

Mer vardagsbilder, typ mobilbilder eller “min dag i bilder”. Jag själv älskar såna inlägg så jag vet inte varför jag inte gör det så ofta? Det ska det bli mer av! :-)

//More every day pictures, like phone pics or “my day in pictures”. I love those posts myself so I don’t know why I don’t do them more often? I will make more! :-)

Mer jobb och hur jag lägger upp dagarna, hur jag har energi att göra så mycket osv osv. To be honest, vissa dagar gör jag 100 saker och andra gör jag max 1 sak, men jag ska försöka berätta hur jag gör. :-)

//More work and how I plan my days, how I have energy to do so many things etc etc. To be honest, some days I do like a 100 things and some days I do maximum 1 thing, but I’ll try to tell you how I do. :-) 

Mest var nog mer vloggar, så himla kul att ni gillar det! Helst follow me around verkar det som. :-) Jag älskar ju att vlogga, det är bara att det tar så otroligt mycket tid men jag ska ut och filma en haul idag som kommer upp imorgon, sen ska jag försöka göra en till vlogg den här veckan. Jag tycker ju det är superkul så jag är glad att ni gillar det! :-) Det var en liten summering så nu ska jag försöka göra en liten plan, ut och filma/fota och tänka ut ett träningspass. Känner mig redan sjukt inspirerad, TACK för det!! Puss, ni är bäst! <3

//Many of you wanted more vlogs, so fun that you guys like it! It seems like mostly follow me around. :-) I love to vlog, it’s just that it takes so much time but I’m heading out to film another haul today that I will post tomorrow, then I’m gonna try to film another vlog this week. I do think it’s super fun so I’m glad you like it! :-) That was a small summary so now I’m gonna make a plan, out to shoot video/photos and think of a workout. I already feel so inspired, THANKS for that!! Hugs, you guys are the best! <3

23 reaktioner på “SUMMARY”

  • Liena Snow says:

    Amazing! Looking forward to the new vlogs.
    Thank you so much for creating all the photos and videos. You are an incredible inspiration and your work is so amazing!
    I love everything you create and your style is so gorgeous.
    Have a great day. Lots of love xx

  • Laine says:

    Janni, I think that variety is key..and so far you have achieved that. There is this nice balance of everything. What I appreciate the most (in no particular order):
    – Laid-back, no make-up, no stress approach. You don’t overthink what you say/ how you act. That’s why you are natural at vlogging. It’s a rare thing these days.
    – Most of the time-really comfortable clothes/shoes.
    – Creativity, sense of your own style,unexpected outfits,how you combine things/ style with accessories.& I like your love for bags.
    – High quality photography. I notice backgrounds,I pay attention to details. OUTFIT & TRAVEL posts are my ultimate favorite. I also like some fitness related posts with beautiful sportswear to stay motivated.
    – Positive energy.
    Don’t complicate things. Post whatever you feel like posting. There are thousands of people who don’t leave any comment! Stay true to your own preferences!

  • monika says:

    Hi Janni, love your blog, its super! I have a question, am sure I can find it somewhere on your page, but couldnt so far. Where did you buy your lovely ring with the horseshoe? Thank you so much! Monika

    • janni says:

      Thanks babe <3 It's from Fred! :-) Xx

      • monika says:

        Thank you so much Janni! Wish you lots of success with your blog! Love your photography style, colors and your style of course ! Its all perfect! ;)xx

  • Nathalie says:

    Jag hann aldrig gå in och ge feedback igår men jag tycker verkligen att du borde ha en frågestund snart. Det var ju såå längesen känns det som! :-)

  • Hanna says:

    Skulle du kunna berätta om din familj? Blir så förvirrad om dina bröder pratar svenska, om de är dina riktiga bröder och om dina föräldar är ihop men bor skilda?;) tacksam för svar

    • janni says:

      Alla pratar svenska, mina föräldrar separerade när jag var typ 1 år men är väldigt goda vänner, mamma bor i Sverige och pappa i Spanien och jag har 3 halvbröder. ;-) Hoppas du förstod min moderna familj lite bättre, haha! Kram <3

  • Bianca says:

    Hi Janni,
    Greetings from Australia – I love following your blog/vlog. I really enjoy how laid back and honest you are with your posts and how you don’t “pretend” or “act” to suit a certain genre of people. I would love to see how you put together different styles and where you get your inspiration from. Something I appreciate is how well your various looks can be replicated. Being in Australia we can’t get all the gorgeous items you can source in Europe, but I am finding easy ways to replicate your looks using other labels. I also like that you use everyday labels mixed with high end designer labels to create your looks. There are way too many fashion bloggers out there that have awesome blogs but all their fashion is high end expensive pieces that are out of most peoples budget. I feel you have found the perfect mix of both. It would be great to see more blogs about where you find inspiration for your looks and how you put pieces together. I also really love it when you get Jon’s (and Benny’s) opinions on your looks as a male perspective is always slightly different. I also agree it would be great to see some of your own workouts you put together that are not gym based. Keep up the great work, you are very elegant and chic and I tell everyone to check your blog out – its awesome!

  • Ellie says:

    Such a cute idea to make a summary about that!<3

  • Valeria Kulish says:

    Hi Janni! Your work inspire me every day. I love following all your accounts. I will happy to see your daily workout routine ’cause you have a perfect body! Thanks for giving me a good mood! You are wonderful person! Kisses from Ukraine <3

  • Sara says:

    Men ska Jon fria någon gång eller..

  • Guro says:

    Åååå, gleder meg! :-)

  • Mari says:

    Elsker bloggen din!! Ønsker meg gjerne en spørsmålsrunde snart :):)<3

  • Marie says:

    Eventhought I follow you on youtube and instagram, your blog is the first page I open everyday when I arrive at the office. I love following you here. Sending you much love from Belgium.

  • Tirza says:

    Hiiiii Janni I really adore your blog! Maybe you could do a some collaborations with some cheaper brands like H&M, Zara or Mango. And also love those video’s like “what I eat in a day” or “Everyhour vlogs” idk I really like watching that. Buttttt your channels are amazing just how they are right now, so do whatever you like.


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