We cut Leon’s hair and I made the yummiest broccoli pizza (find the recipe under the video on YT!).
Hej hjärtan! Blir mer vloggar these days, konstigt då vi typ inte gör så mycket? Hänger hemma bara haha! Vi klippte iallafall Leons hår, han blev om möjligt ännu sötare. <3 Såg ni mitt april-skämt igår på IG? Så många trodde att jag faktiskt hade klippt kort och färgat håret mörkbrunt. Kul att få folk att skratta lite i dessa konstiga tider. Tillbaka till vloggen – ni får hänga med på en dag hemma och så får ni se mig laga mitt bästa recept hittills. Broccolipizza. Ni MÅSTE prova, riktigt riktigt gott! PUSS <3
//Hey loves! More vlogs these days, weird since we don’t do much? We just hang out at home haha! We cut Leon’s hair anyhow, he got even cuter according to me. <3 Did you see my april fools yesterday on IG? So many actually thought I had cut my hair short and colored it dark brown. Fun to get people to laugh a bit in these weird times. Back to the vlog – you get to come along for a day at home and you’ll see me make my best recipe so far. Broccoli pizza. You HAVE to try it, so so yum! HUGS <3
Hejjj Brilliant their is a old tradition and saying in the Uk after the first born son has his first hair cut/= you wet your two first fingers and then touch the sons head and say FIRST-WET”” still remember that everytime i went to the barber when i was young . best wishes glad yiur all safe and well. tony c liverpool x
i’m defenitly going to try the broccoli pizza tonight.
please always include a recipe in your videos.
so cute leon with his first hair cut.
please make a video where you show us your makeup more deeply, but loved that sneak peak intoyour cabinet.
love you
Leste på Instagram at dere har tøffe netter. Leon er vel 4 måneder nå og har nok kommet til four month sleep regression. Anbefaler deg å lese om det, da gir «alt» mer mening. Her holder vi på med eigth month sleep regression. Gleder meg til det er over😅
Så mysig vlogg! Skulle vara så kul om du kunde filma din hemmaspa-rutin :) <3
Ah his hair is so adorable and grows so fast!
Janni ! Wish you all the best! Hope to meet you in Monaco since Im there very often. Lots of health Janni, Happy Birthday !
Hejjjjjjj Lordag*** STORT GRATTIS!!!! Janni pa din fodelsdag wooohoooo Ha dert Sa Jatte Fint! Enjoy your day!!!! Onskar Med Kramar !!! Tony c uk xxxx
…forever beautiful & young Mother :-)
hej så söt han blev när ni klippte han.kan du lägga upp övningarna du gjorde
He looks so cute!
Mariya | https://www.brunetteondemand.com/
Han blev ju jättefin i den nya frisyren!
great post
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