Ask your questions – whatever you want! :-)

Hej hjärtan! Nu kör vi Q&A! Fråga allt ni vill så svarar jag på det mesta (inte alldeles för privata saker såklart, men det förstår ni haha!). Ställ era frågor nedanför så ska jag försöka filma svaren och få upp det imorgon. :-) Alltid skönt att göra det direkt annars blir det alltid att man drar på det. Så – är det något ni undrar över, vill att jag berättar om så fråga på! :-) Alltid kul att se vad ni vill veta om också, haha! PUSS babes, hörs imorgon. Nu ska vi kolla film efter en heldag med plåtning… Kärlek <3

//Hey loves! Time for a Q&A! Ask whatever you want and I’ll answer the most (not too private things though of course, but that you understand haha!). Ask your questions below and I’ll try to film the answers and get it online tomorrow. :-) Always nice to do it straight away otherwise you always wait too long. So – if there’s anything you want to know, want me to tell just ask! :-) Always fun to see what you guys want to know about too, haha! HUGS babes, talk tomorrow. Now we’re gonna watch a movie after a full day of photoshoot… Love <3

220 reaktioner på “TIME FOR Q&A”

  • Jos says:

    Hur många carat är diamanten och visste Jon vilken typ av ring du ”ville ha”?

    • Lucia says:

      Hi Janni! Congratulations for your engagement!
      My question is what is the most incredible and beautiful place you have been! Can you please choose your top 3 favorite places in the world!
      Thank you so much!

  • Emma says:

    Hej hur är det, om Benni är med der och du har ärende till Jon talar du då engelska så att Benni förstår eller talar du svenska t.ex i bilen?!

  • Emma says:

    Ska ni åka till din födelsedagspresent som du fick av Jon, bara du och han på semester? Jag undrar även när ni ska ha er bröllop och efter det åker ni säkert på honeymoon, vet ni om ni skall vlogga/blogga då?! Hoppas jag får ett svar

  • Aurora says:

    Hej Janni!

    Först och främst, tack för en bra blogg! Alltid inspirerande :)

    1. Har du ditt egna företag eller hur jobbar du?
    2. Kommer du att berätta om bröllopet? Det hade varit kul att få ta del av dina tankar och planering :)
    3. Hur tänker du kring framtiden, kommer ni att bo mest i Monaco eller Marbella i och med att ni köpt ett stort hus där?


  • kris says:

    Hi, Janni
    I would love to know stories behind your rings. When it comes to obsession rings are my biggest, because of that it’s kinda interesting for me :) and its also actual since you have new one :) Btw very pretty one :) but that is not the most important, you guys are such an inspirational couple…have a lovely weekend :*

  • Guro says:

    Du skriver ofte at dere skal avslutte kvelden med å se en film. Kunne du ha laget et innlegg med mange av dine favorittfilmer? Xx

  • Annonym says:

    Va tyker du om dom som er homofila? Respekterer du dom, om du Inte varfor?

  • Amalie Sjørlie says:

    Hello, Janni! Can you PLEASE show us how you have organaized your apps, witch apps do you have? And witch do you prefer?

  • Sofia says:

    Hej, för det första jag älskar dig och din blogg. Men till frågorna. Hur fixar du och Jon egentid med varandra eftersom ni har Benni hela tiden med er, delar ni ekonomi, har ni börjat tala om hur bröllopet skall se ut, kan ni göra en ny house tour efter att all remont är gjord?. Sist men inte minst har ni börjat tala om barn? Och Jon köpte ju en tomt i Lombok, visste du om det eller är det “bara” Jon som äger det? Ännu en, då när ni är ifrån varandra hur brukar ni vara i kontakt med varandra? Ringandes eller och hur ofta?

    Det blev många frågor men det sku göra min dag om du svarat på mina funderingar<3<3

  • Andrea says:

    Hi! I always wanted to know how you keep your healthy diet even though you’re always traveling the world ;)) some tips would be nice!! Thanks for inspiring me eyerday <33

  • Sanela says:

    Hallo, Janni !
    I’m so interested in it what you do with your hair? Looks very very good?

  • Frida says:

    Om man har färdiga ”filter” på lightroom på datorn, hur får man över dom på telefonen? Har appen men fattar inte hur man får över ”the presets”?

  • Milena says:

    Heylo beautiful Janni! I am following you and Jon for more then a year. I was waiting for Jon to propose you, what he finally did! Congrats!! My question is do you have any idea when the wedding will be and when? I have to get a ticket to come, lol! And the other one, since I am from Montenegro do you maybe plan visiting my country? It’s really beautiful, check it out!
    All the best,
    Milena! ❤️

  • Thao says:

    Kan du lage en liten tutorials video der du viser hvordan du redigerer bildene dine i Lightroom? Jeg skjønner ikke hvordan man skal bruke presets osv.

  • Kalina says:

    Have you ever thought about going to Bulgaria ? It is a beautiful country with seaside and mountains ! There are amazing places where you and Jon can shoot,give it a try ??

  • Anna says:

    Hej Vad tyckte din pappa när du började dejta jon som var 8 år äldre?

  • Yuri Gonçalves Tanaka says:

    Hellooooo Janni
    Do you already have a wedding date and place?

  • Joy says:

    Janni. what is the most epic thing that has ever happened to you? ??

  • Paula says:

    Have you started planning your wedding yet? Do you know when it will be and where? What kind of dress would be your dream? Or anything you can tell us about the wedding :D You will be the most stunning bride no doubt!

  • Lisa says:

    Hej janni!

    1. Hur gammal är du?
    2. Hur lång är du?
    3. Hur mycket väger du?
    4. Vill du ha barn?

  • jasmien says:

    How do you deal with self consciousness and self confidence ?
    I love how confident you are and the positivity you radiate.
    So I was wondering if you have any tips on how to be more confident?

    Lots of Love,

  • Mónica says:

    Hi Janni. In love with your vlogs and ig pics. I’m Spanish and I know quite well you love living in my country. My question is, have you visited more Spanish city, specially the ones in the north? If not, would you like to? It would be a pleasure to be your guide in my region. Lots of love from Asturias. Love, Mónica

  • Irma says:

    How would you describe your style in 3 words? And who or what inspires your style?

  • Astrid says:

    Hej Janni! Vill först och främst tacka för en härlig blogg!! Jag har inte följt dig så länge så jag skulle verkligen uppskatta om du kunde berätta lite om dig/er! Alltså saker som vart ni bor, är det Marbella eller Monaco? Hur gamla är du och Jon? Hur länge har ni varit ett par? Var bor resten av din och Jons familj? Och så vidare?

  • Eli says:

    HeyJanni. I love your vlogs and blogposts. I ve been following you since last year. I discovered you on Jon’s vlogs. You are my favourite couple and I have many photos of you on my vision board cuz I want to attract a relationship like yours. My questions for you are :How did you started your career as a blogger/model?
    How did you find out what do you like to do as a job?
    Any advice about confidence cuz I’m having some difficulties?
    Do you have any advice about young girls who havent started their careers and advices about relationships? Sorry for so many question. I admire you and your personality. Hugs from Albania.

  • Ylli says:

    Simple are you happy doing it ?(blog, vlogs)

  • Hedda says:

    Hej Janni! Skulle inte du kunna göra en vlog eller video på svenska någon gång?
    Tråkig fråga men hade varit kul om du gjorde en eller två :)

  • Amanda wood says:

    what is your top tip for someone who is just starting out on YouTube? Did you ever feel like you were too old to start? I’m 25 and just started my channel but I love it so much! Any advice?

  • Audrey says:

    Hi Janni!

    I would love to know how you became interested in blogging and how you started (especially with creating your own website)? I would also love to know how you do your hair because it always looks so good and natural! You inspire me so much and I hope you have a wonderful day! :) -Audrey

  • isabella says:

    Hello Janni!❤️
    How do you gain confidence? I’ve been struggling a bit with confidence for a little while now, and I’ve been wondering how you deal with haters and stay confident in yourself! Love you, and your videos always make me smile!❤️

  • Agne says:

    Hey Janni! How do you manage with so much travelling? I mean, jet lag, tiredness and etc. What is the best thing for you that helps to always stay in good mood, shape?

    P.S. Does Benny have a girlfriend? It’s not your private life haha Kidding! Best wishes from Lithuania! Xx

  • Sarah says:

    Hi Janni!
    First of all thank you for being you! You are fantastic!
    My question is more a request than a question I hope that’s okay… I was thinking that it could be awesome if you took us out shopping in a vlog. Showed us which stores you prefer and what you’re looking for and so on. So my question for you is would it be something you could consider?? I would love it

  • Julia says:

    Skulle vilja höra din syn på träning/hälsa/kost och vad balans är för dig i relation till det ämnet. Hur tänker du och lever kring det.
    Sen skulle jag vilja höra om du har något tips/råd på hur man går vidare efter att ha fått hjärtat krossat, hur får man hoppet tillbaka, har du någon erfarenhet av det, kanske att du har någon närstående som varit med om det (om du själv inte varit det). Jag själv befinner mig i det läget, kommer liksom inte vidare, har så svårt för att få tillbaka hoppet, drar liksom alla över samma kant efter den smärtan de lämnat av sig. Men jag saknar den närhet och trygghet som fin kärlek verkligen ger… Blir så glad när jag ser dig och Jon, så lycklig för er skull!! Kram och tack för all inspiration och kärlek här via din blogg. <3

  • Antonia says:

    Do you guys want children ? The both of you are beautiful.

  • Emilia says:

    Hey Janni
    What‘s your favorite country and how many languages do you speak?
    Can you greet me?
    Xx love you,

  • Nils says:

    Is the new ring annoying to wear ever? Obviously it’s gorgeous, but it seems like it would be inconvenient at times?

  • Linda says:

    Can u do a What’s on my iPhone video? I would love to see what is on your phone (what kinda apps and stuff … also; are u going to buy the new iPhone X? Greetz xx

  • Sarah says:

    When do you want to marry and do you change your last Name into olsson after the marriage? ?

  • Jana says:

    Hi Janni!

    Please tell us something about the wedding ☺️ Where do you want it, what style, big or small?
    Have fun filming! ❤️❤️❤️


  • Karoliina says:

    What kind of wedding you like to have, when you are getting married with Jon? :)

  • Maja says:

    Hej Janni, jag undrar vad din favoritfärg på nagellack är? Jag undrar också om du kan göra en video där du visar din garderob? min sista fråga är, HUR KAN DU VARA SÅ SJUK FIN????

  • Emilia says:

    Hey Janni
    Do you speak a little German?

  • Terese Hagen says:

    Kan du anbefale et kamera som er bra å filme med? Ikke for stort.
    Har du noen gode instagram tips? Hvordan bli sett?

  • Pauline says:

    Hur redigerar du dina IG bilder om du tar bilden med mobilen. Alla steg :)

  • Andrea says:


  • Lien says:

    Hi Janni, are u and Jon thinking about getting kids? Or are u busy with travelling and just want to wait with it? Also; congrats for both of you! Hope u will make a video about the wedding! Kisses!

  • Victoria says:

    Hey Janni!
    I would love to know where jon and you are going to travel next. Also which country is your most favourite now?
    Ps love your youtube videos:-)

  • Shanon says:

    Hej Janni, congratulations on your engagement with your fiance and our fav vlogger Jon. Do you think of wearing one and the one special weddingdress day&night, or want to change into several dresses (because it’s also só hard to choose rigggght?;) kisses from Amsterdam! Shanon

  • Astrid says:

    Hur gör ni när ni reser, bokar ni flyg och hotell för sig eller i paket? Vilka sidor bokar ni resor via? Har du några rekommendationer på ställen att åka till, sidor att boka via eller annat så skulle jag verkligen bli superglad!

  • Jessica says:

    Hur mycket kostade erat nya hus i Marbella? ?
    Kommer du byta efternamn när ni gifter er? ?

  • Bella says:

    Vad heter det röda nagellacket du brukar ha på dig från Isadora?
    Vart ska du fira jul och nyår i år?
    Vilken är din favorit julfilm?

  • Bella says:

    Vad har du för goals för år 2018?

  • Florian Otto says:

    Hi! When will you(and Jon) come to Germany next time? I think you will really like it, in northern Germany :) Where are you the next weeks, for a meeting with a Photo?;-)
    Will your Wedding be in Sweden or what do you have in mind?
    Florian :)

  • r says:


    whats your height and weight?
    how many carats is your engagement ring?

  • Andréa says:

    When can we see Jon and You in Monaco ? You need to make a meet up !!

  • Gaia Gamaggio says:

    Hi! How are you? I‘d love to know how you edit your images using photoshop/lightroom and what inspired you to start a blog! Keep doing what you do. :)

  • Dalal says:

    Hi Janni,

    As a full time blogger I would love to know more about your success story. For eg ;When did it evolve from a hobby to a career? How did you land your first sponsorship? How did you sign with an agency… and also is there work that you refuse for ethical reasons or because it doesn’t fit your brand. I will repeat myself but, hats off for the daily blogging consistency, while a lot of bloggers switched focus to instagram you always stayed consistent on YOUR blog!

  • Ani says:

    Is it possible to chat with you on some social network or mail or something like that?

  • Margot says:

    Have you ever been to Madonna di campiglio in Italy?
    If yes, did you like it? Love from Italy ?? ❤️

  • Alexandra says:

    Hur skiljer sig din vardag från din helg? Brukar du t.ex. jobba mycket under veckan och sedan bara chilla under helgen? p.s. Älskar det positiva som strålar ur dig!

  • Ida says:

    Hei Janni.
    1. Når planlegger dere å gifte dere?
    2. Kommer du til å blogge om planleggingen og selve bryllupet?
    3. Hvordan synes du det er at du og Jon nesten aldri er alene?

    Takk for en fantastisk blogg! Hilsen en norsk fan!

  • Monika says:

    Hello Janni :)
    Reading your blog and watching your vlogs always puts me in a better mood. You are a very positive person and a big inspiration.
    My question is simple: What keeps you going in life, what is your inspiration?

  • Aiste says:

    Oh, I’ve missed these types of vlogs!
    • What was your biggest dream or goal when you was a teenager? Had you reached these goals now?
    • If you could turn time back, which things you would change or dont do?
    • What do you think the little girl you were would think about the woman you have grew up?
    • If you could choose: blogging or vlogging? Only one of these.
    • How to be self confidence? How to improve it? Have you always been such a self confidence girl?
    So, thats all. Best wishes! Cant wait to watch the video :)

  • Kathi says:

    I love the song from your last vlog in LA. Could you please tell me what it’s called because I can’t find it.
    Thank you and keep going!! <3

  • Lærke says:

    Hey Janni. First of all I would like to say, that you are really inspiring – love to follow you! Anyway my questions are the following:
    – Who takes care of the house, when you are traveling for a longer time?
    – Which languages do you speak?

    Have a nice day!

  • Anastasia says:

    Hey Janni I would like to ask you how you manage to stay positive or to look I don’t know hahah in your life? I mean what’s your motivation and keeps you happy no matter what happens? Thank you in advance! ?

  • Anni says:

    Hi! What do you think about royal family of Sweden? And who is your favourite member of the royal family? It would be fun to know your touhgts about it because you are from Sweden. You travel a lot but have you been in Finland?
    Jag älska läsa din blog, den är så bra. Hälsingar från Finland!

  • Christina says:

    What products do you use for your hair?
    What is your favourite city?
    Where would you love to travel and what is your dream destination to go to?
    What is your favourite handbag from your handbag collection?
    PS! Love, love, love your blog!

  • Sou says:

    Hey Janni(d) haha kidding
    u anf Jon always talk about : we have zero jealousy!!! but i can not understand how this zero comes??
    would u pleade tell us how and why u can trist this much to someone?(even from the beggining that u donno ur partner very well)… sometimes people sayg, like becuz this kind of girls are so confindence or arrogant, but u donn look like that kind!!!! would u please say how this much Trust come ??

  • Maiju says:

    Have you been or are you going to come to Finland? Or what do you think about Finland or finnish people, since you are from Sweden so it’s always interesting to know. Greetings from Finland

  • Cecilie says:

    Hi beautiful Janni ❤️
    How are you so happy everyday and what are your secrets to a happy relationship? (Not argueing and so)?
    Hugs from Denmark

  • Jack Burton says:

    Have you ever been to Scotland and if not would you come ? And did you like it ??

  • Sou says:

    hey another question
    what it ur plann for wedding ?
    where u guys will celebrate and when we will see Wedding Vlog??? ??????

  • Patricia says:

    1. What did you study in university?
    2. When did you get into modelling and blogging?
    3. Do you feel comfortable vlogging in places where lots of people stare?

    Janni, stay as amazing as you are❤️greetings from latvia xx

  • Sofia says:

    Här är en del av mina funderingar, hoppas du svara det skulle ha gjort min dag<3<3

    Hur fixar du och Jon egentid med varandra eftersom ni har Benni hela tiden med er?
    Delar du och Jon eran ekonomi?
    Har ni börjat tala om hur bröllopet skall se ut?
    Då när ni är ifrån varandra hur brukar ni vara i kontakt med varandra? Ringandes eller och hur ofta?
    Kan ni göra en ny house tour efter att all remont är klart?
    Vad tänkte dina föräldrar då du började dejta Jon och hur reagera dom när Jon hade frågat om du vill gifta dig med honom?
    Jon köpte ju en tomt i Lombok, visste du om det eller är det “bara” Jon som äger det?

  • Sofia says:

    Hur har ni tänkt med efternamn? Skall det bli Olsson eller?

  • Panni says:

    How did you start your blogger-vlogger career? Don’t you want to make a video about the beginnings?
    Love from Hungary

  • Ilyas says:

    Where did you meet Jon ?

  • Sivan Dani says:

    Hi Janni,
    I really enjoy following you!
    I must say that You and Jon are very positive people and I admire that.
    My Question is how to stay stylish when u r a student on a budget?
    What did you do when you were a student?
    And if you can help with some tips on how to be more positive…especially in a stressful time.
    Thank you!

  • Effie says:

    Hi Janni,
    I would love to know more about the inside out of your business. Who decides for all your collabs? Your agency working with other Swedish bloggers? What do you take into account when picking a Collab?
    Do you receive marketing tips from all the brands? Do you negotiate yourself or contact more luxury and good quality brands ? In April your birthday gift was some alone time with Jon which has not happened yet and we are approaching the end of the year. What about some time without business, work and social media why aren’t you allowing you that :) ?


  • Yente says:

    What was the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

  • Sofia says:

    Vad talar du för språk om ni t.ex. är i bilen med Benni också och du har ärende till Jon. Talar du då på engelska så att Benni också förstår eller???
    Kan du snälla göra fast flera delar av din Q&A så att vi får svar på alla våra frågor!!

  • Julius says:

    Do you have free friends girls? ?

  • Emma says:

    Skulle du någonsin vilja flytta hem till Sverige igen? Tänker främst på framtiden med ev barn i bilden!

    Du är bäst! Kram

  • Sara says:

    Jag undrar hur du ser på att vara en offentlig person? Hur tror du folk upplever dig? Har du någonsin fått höra att kändisskapet ändrat dig?
    Du umgås mycket med bloggare har du kvar vänner från gamla dar?
    Sen undrar Jag även om ni kommer flytta till Marbella på heltid nu med nya huset och allt?

  • Berit-katrin says:

    Varför har det blivit en märkbar ökning utav betalade samarbeten på din instagram nyligen? Även på Jons

  • Ray says:

    hi janni – whats your favourite song right now? :)


  • Greta says:

    Saknar du Sverige ibland?

  • Nasse says:

    Varför har Jon börjat med den vanliga Red Bull?

    Why have Jon started with the Orginal Red Bull?

    ? Janni

  • Clara says:

    You’ve got mail! Vad brukar du göra hos frisören för att få så väldigt fin ton i hela håret? :D Är det blekta slingor rakt igenom eller kanske blandning med mörka?? //Clara

  • martina says:

    Honestly..what does your future look like? :)

  • Talexi says:

    If today is your last day, what would you do?

  • kaia says:

    when are you and Jon planning on having the wedding?
    what is your favorite perfume?
    Tips on how to stay motivated in school?

  • Malene says:

    Elsker bloggen og youtuben din!
    Hvordan er du hele tiden så positiv, haha, du smiler hele tiden, og ser ut som du sjelden har «dårlige dager», og hva gjør deg glad når du er sliten/trist eller bare nedenfor..?
    Har du noengang vært i Australia, noen tips? Skal dit sammen med kjæresten i Januar! :-)
    Du er en så flott dame, digger deg! ❤️

  • Melanie says:

    What was the most embarrassing thing that happened in your life?

  • Leyi says:

    Hey Janni I am from Spain and I would love to know why your dad and your sis have chosen Spain to live.

  • Mimmi says:

    Har du haft någon motgång eller jobbig period i livet? Och hur kom du över det? Du verkar alltid så glad och positiv – och på dina plattformar framställs ditt liv som väldigt problemfritt och härligt! Så bara undrar om det alltid är så? Puss!

  • Khrystyna says:

    Hi! I like your hair) color’s amazing!! What tachnical of coloring do you use?)

  • Victoria says:

    Hej Janni,

    Mina föräldrar har precis köpt en lägenhet uppe i bergen vid Marbella. Jag undrar därför om du har några heta tips på restauranger, bra shoppingställen, fina promenader, stränder och andra sevärdigheter runt om? Dom har bil så även saker runt om tar vi gärna emot tips på! Ser alltid så härligt ut när du är där och allt ni hittar på!

    Stor kram!

  • Jess says:

    Hej janni!
    Skulle inte du kunna göra en uppdaterad video på hur du redigerar bilder på din mobil men även på lightroom?

  • Ophélie says:

    Hi Janni,
    First of all, I would like to say that I really enjoy watching your vlogs! I would like to know if you prefer blogging or vlogging.

    Are you and Jon planning on doing another trip like the one in Colombia? What you guys did over there was so inspiring!

    And do you watch a lot of vlogs of other people? Which youtubers do you follow?

    Greetings from Belgium xx

  • Julia says:

    Why you decided to became a blogger? and if you woouldn’t be a blogger then who you would be? :)

  • Maria says:

    Can you show what you eat in a day?

  • Marloes says:

    Wow! You’ve got so many comments already! But that is kind of what this question is about.

    How do you deal with being well-known?

    I mean, you have over 1m followers on IG and many people (including me) follow your and Jon’s vlogs on YouTube. So many people know you and are interested in what you do next.
    How do you deal with the pressure that goes with this?

  • Aneta says:

    Hi Janni from Czech republic, you are sooo beautiful♥
    mi first question is .. if you have lips filler(you have big and nice lips for sure,.)
    and second what are your measurements (hips, breast, waist) i want to imagine how can you look in real life.
    thank you so much, nice day♥

  • Julia says:

    – Is there any place in the world where you have never been but you would love to go there?
    – When did you learn English and how long did it take you to learn?

    Greetings xx

  • Frida says:

    Have you always been confident in yourself? Wonder because you seem so confident all the time, have you ever got body complex or something?!! Love your social media’s and I hope you have a great day xoxo frida!!

  • Julia says:

    Hej Janni,
    First of all congratulations to you and Jon on your engagement! My question is would you rather throw a big wedding back at home, in Sweden or Marbella, or have a small, private ceremony somewhere tropical?

  • Viktoria says:

    Hei Janni!
    1. Hvordan er ditt forhold til mat og kropp?
    2. Hvordan bryllup ser dere for dere?
    3. Fikk du en forlovelsesring du hadde sett for deg!

    Stor klem!

  • Sara says:

    Hi janni! I love every thing on your work.
    Mybe tou could think about these questions i have?
    – what is your biggesr dream (work related) ?
    – what do you want to do ten years from now for a living?
    – what is the best advise you have recieved?
    – what kind of chourse you dislike the most around the house?
    – explain richards’ tattoos

  • Sara says:

    – If you were to live anywhere in the world other than, Spain, France and Sweden, where would you chooce?

    – What is your best childhood memory?

    – What’s your favorite food?

    – What is your best advice for life in general?

    – What is the most challanging thing you have ever gone trough? (if it’s not to personal obvs)

    – If you could chooce only one outfit to wear for the rest of your life, what would it look like?

    – If you had to chooce a different job, what would you be doing?

    (That’s all my Q’s! Have an awesome day and keep up the good work! You’re by far one of my favorite bloggers❤️)

  • Joelle Barwick says:

    Hey Janni!
    I want to start my own blog, which camera would you suggest to buy?
    Thanks.. Love you
    Joelle xx

  • Selma Bendixen says:

    I’m from Mallorca, and I think you are gonna get many of the same questions, so here is a different one:
    Why did the chicken cross the road?
    *SPOILER!!* answer: to get to the other side ;)) have a nice day!!

  • Louisa says:

    Hi Janni!
    Could you give us your best advice on how to be more confident? I love how you always seem to be able to be yourself in every situation. Also, where’s the dress from that you’re wearing in the video when you’re shooting with the Honor 7X? Will you ever design another clothing collection like you did for Nelly? Or jewelry? Is it something you would like to do? Do you speak Spanish, or you just know a few words? And how are you going to convince Jon to take your last name when you guys get married? haha

  • Juli says:

    Do do you have an apprenticeship or studied something? in what normal job would you like to work if you wouldn‘t be a Blogger/Influencer?

  • Nina Meyssen says:

    Hey Janni!
    I love everything about you and my question is:
    What do you love the most about your followers?

  • Paulina says:

    När ska ni gifta er?

  • Hanna says:

    Hej Janni!

    Har följt dig sedan dag 1 o undrar lite kring hur du funderar kring miljön o alla resor ni gör med flyg. Försöker du engagera dig o göra aktiva val för att bidra till minskad miljöpåverkan? (Nu menar jag lite mer aktiva saker än att inte äta kött etc)

    Jag funderar också på om man någon gång kan känna sig ensam som resande bloggare? Förstår att du träffar samma människor ofta o sällan är ensam, men har du någon nära vän tjejkompis att dela livets frågor med? Känner du att folk i din närhet tar avstånd pga rädsla/obehag för att vara med på film/bild?

    Tack för en fin blogg som ger mig inspiration vad gäller kläder o utseende!

    Kram Hanna

  • Sandrine says:

    Hi Janni,

    I would like to know what did you studied?
    I love your youtube channel!!
    Loves Sandrine xxx

  • Lino N says:

    Hi Janni, do you think of building more schools or doing social projects?
    It was so inspiring to watch and I hope you will continue to do things like this!

  • Alicia says:

    would you ever consider moving to marbella?? love from marbs ?

  • ALISE says:

    Hi ! I hope you’re day is great. How can I send you something (gift) ? Where can I find the adresse ?
    Have you thought about launching your clothes line , I am sure that yes , why haven’t you did it yet ? What stops you ?
    Will you take wedding organizer or will do it yourself ?
    Do you know in which country you want to get married ?
    Do you know some good wedding dj or musicians in Côte d’Azur ? :) I am looking for it

  • sasha says:

    would you die your hair hazelnut brown?

  • Noemi Schlitter says:

    Hey Janni, no offense to you personally, I really love your personality and your style and all that and you inspire me. But do you ever consider environmental issues? At one hand you love nature, mountains and beaches – at the other hand you fly around not considering how much dirt every flight makes? And in the end: The Climate Change affects all the beaches and the whole nature you love to see. I liked your great work in Columbia and I am just asking myself if you ever have that other issue in mind. I would appreciate that.
    Greetings from Germany

  • Oliver Hanson says:

    Vad är det bästa med Jon??

  • Anna O says:

    Hej, gladaste Janni! ?

    Jag tycker att du och Jon är jättefina ihop. Jag är riktigt glad för eran skull! Ni känns så trygga och stabila i varandra. Men jag undrar ändå.. om du och Jon aldrig men aldrig blir svartsjuka? :) Inte minsta lilla någon gång? Om tex Jon skulle kolla på någon tjej…hennes bak eller ja, något? Skulle du vara helt chill eller säga något? Och tvärtom, hur är han? Har undrat det väldigt länge. Hur det är för er när det gäller sånt? :) Hur ni hanterar det isf?

    Önskar er det bästa! ❤️

  • Ella says:

    Hej Janni! Tack för en fantastisk blogg, sjukt inspirerande!!<3

    Jag undrar om du har några komplex, och ifall du har det hur gör du för att boosta dig? Och om inte vad är ditt tipps för att slippa ha komplex?

    Du är svin cool, Keep on going! Kramar Ella

  • Anna says:

    Kan du inte visa fler bilder på ringen? Hur många carat är den på och vad är det för metall? Hade du hintat till Jon vad du ville ha för modell på ringen? Superfin är den iaf :-)

  • Anna says:

    Hi Janni!! How you started collaborate with Cube? Did they approach you? Is it necessary to be Swedish to work with them?

  • Anette says:

    Hi! Are you and Jon still friends with Marcus after he quiz the job? Or do you not talk together anymore? :)

  • Anonym says:

    How do you do your hair? The highlights I mean, you have more in the front and some others on top but still much of your natural haircolor? Would love to hear what you tell your hairdresser? Is it kind of balayage? And how often do you go back and highlight the hair around your face? It is always so blonde compared to the rest, love it!

  • Miranda says:

    1. Which qualities in Jon do you value the most?
    2. Favorite singer?
    3. What’s your guilty pleasure? (Food, music etc)
    4. If you could give any advice to 20 year old Janni, what would you say?

    Thanks for being so inspiring!!

  • Hedda says:

    Hei! Jeg lurer på om forholdet til Jon og deg alltid er så bra som det fremstår? Har dere aldri hatt en stor krangel? Hva er isåfall ditt beste tips om et bra forhold?
    Klem Hedda :)

  • Jennifer says:

    Hejj!! Har följt dig och Jon på youtube länge å ni är mina absolut favorit couple. Undrande när och hur träffade du Jon första gången och när blev det seriöst mellan er? Älskar din kanal på youtube och din blogg<3

  • Mireia says:

    Hi! What’s your favourite place you have travelled to? And if you had to choose between skiing or beach, what would you choose?

  • Julia says:

    Hi Janni, I’m from Germany and I loveee,love love all your videos and pictures. Somehow, each post looks just perfect.
    So my question is, what are the 3 most important things, to stay motivated, when it comes to sport, carrier and
    growing on social media. And also: Do you have any special routine how you plan your days on a every day basis?
    All the best and keep moving! Julia xxx love you

  • Laura says:

    How do you keep yours and Jon’s relationship interesting? And do you have many differences or are you the same type of person so there doesn’t get any disagreements?

  • Julia says:

    Hi Janni, I’ve got another question:
    – Do you have any tips, to travel, as much as possible, on a budget? Im currently studying Marketing. So unfortunately I dont have a lot money to travel, even though I’d love to!!!
    – If you could pick 3 countries where everybody should travel to once in their lifetime, which ones would it be?

    (Sorry for all my mistakes – I’m German :D )

    Sending you much love from Munich. xxx Julia

  • Julia says:

    Hi Janni, what did you do after school? Did you study or did you start working right away? And if so, what did you study or work?
    Love you xoxo Julia

  • Lara says:

    When are you guys coming to Brazil?

  • Ebru says:

    Is it possible to help in the school that you and your family built? Let‘s say for a month…. teach the children and do some beautiful things with them… if this so possible.. is there any possibility to live in another family or to get an appartment?
    Fell so much in love with project and would love to be a part of something beautiful that just started.

    Much love

  • Marlene says:

    Heii Janni :)) I always wanted to know what your ascendant is?? You seem always so relaxed and balanced, that’s very cool!!

  • Pia Serra says:

    Hey Janni, how did you decide to become a blogger? And did you work for it, or suddenly you had a lot of followers?

  • Marie says:

    Har du silikon?? love you

  • Marie says:

    Hva tenker du om at bloggere som har reklame om Daniel Wllington klokker, og gir 15% rabatt om vi bestiller fra hjemmesiden til DW…. OOg når vi skal hente klokken i mailen får du en regning noen uker senere på 500kr!!!! Så da er det egentlig billigere for oss å kjøpe klokken i butikken på kjøpesenter eller gullsmed:)

    Dere bloggere burde annonsere og si til oss at vi må betale ekstra for toll og frakt

  • Milan says:

    Have you ever been in Serbia? Would you like? :)

  • Hedda says:

    Tanker om bebis???????<33

  • Mari says:

    Takk for at du er så positiv og fin, du gjør dagene mine bedre <3 Og sammen får dere meg til å tro på at den ekte kjærligheten faktisk finnes..

    Hvordan tenker dere å feire jul i år?
    Får du noe fred når du går i Sverige eller har det blitt mye mer de siste årene?
    Dine topp tre livsmotto? <3

  • Paula says:

    Hello janni! I wanted to jnow if you were looking for a boyfriend when you met Olsson! And how to be confident when talking to guys

  • Melissa says:

    This is kind of a personal one but I just wanted to know, when was the last time you cried? And have you ever felt like you didn’t want to be you anymore? Sorry if that is kind of personal but I was thinking about that one day and wanted to know if those thoughts have gone through your head.

  • Abril says:

    Hi!!! I wanted to know if you guys were planning visiting Argentina any time soon, hope you do, and if so i can recommend amazing places to you.
    April ?

  • Mary says:

    I love your engagement ring!! Can you give the details about it? Size, color, etc. the band looks very unique. Congrats on your engagement! I️ can’t wait to see your wedding, you will be gorgeous

  • Hani Nakkour says:

    Hi Janni! I’m wondering how you started out! Did you do YouTube or blogging first? Just wondering what is a good platform to start on to make it big eventually!

  • Francisca says:

    How do you organize your agenda to have time to do everything?

  • Karianne Lamarche says:

    Hi Janni! What’s your favorite country and city in the world?

    Kisses from Canada!
    Karianne xx

  • Natalie says:

    Hey Janni,
    can you tell more about your breast surgery? Why did you do it, When, differences in your daily life and if you are happy with it?

  • Sarah says:

    Will you share or sell your lightroom presets? I really love your image style.

  • Fee says:

    Hi Janni,

    My question to you is, as a vlogger and being engaged to a vlogger who is a crazy pro with cameras, what is your advice to people like myself who are just entering the photography and videography world with what cameras to use and buy? Thanks! Super obsessed with you both! ❤️

  • Naufal Hisyam says:

    Hi Janni, when do you want to go to Indonesia again? Because i miss your vlog when you visit my country ahaha!

  • Claire Fox says:

    Hey big fan!!
    Just wondering when you think the wedding will be?? And what is ur dream country to live in? You can only answer one if you want.
    Love you- claire

  • Adam says:

    Hej Janni,
    Har du varit till Montreal, Kanada förut? Följer du med Jon och Benni till Kanada nästa vecka?
    Tack för inspirationen,

  • Christin says:

    Hej Janni, what’s your favorite hair care products at the moment? And do you use a straightner? Your hair looks so perfekt straight and healthy. Maybe you could do a get ready with me including your hair routine?

    Much love from

  • Eleonore says:

    Kan du inte berätta om hur du håller dig i form med träning o mat? Kram?

  • Sofie says:

    Hur träffades du och Jon för första gången?

  • Ivalo Thomsen says:

    Confused weather I should write in Danish or English haha well I decided I’d go for English. My question(s) is:
    How did your career start? Why did you move to Monaco? and how did you and Jon meet?
    Keep being so awesome! You are such an inspiration in many ways.
    Much love from
    Ivalo (from Copenhagen)

  • Oki says:

    Hi Janni, Where do you get some ideas for your instagram ? which brands do you like the most ? ( I mean When you but some clothes)

  • Helene says:

    Kan du legge ut Spotify listen din? Har du en for trening og hverdag?❤️

  • Helene says:

    Hvem er dine topp 3 Instagram brukere?

  • Sharon Hajny says:


    Jag undrar om du och Jon pratar svenska med varandra när ingen annan är runt om er? Eller är det mer “naturligt” för er att prata engelska nu för tiden?

    Sen undrar jag också om ni vill att era framtida barns ska prata/kunna förstå svenska :)


  • E says:

    I vilket land kör ni bröllop? ?

  • kate says:

    heyy Janni!i am watching you since forever!(i also watch jons vlog if you are in it!:P otherwise a bit boring without you <3 #sorrynotsorryjon) please let as know how you gain your confidence!if there are any bad days etc and how you deal with negative comments since in youtube hate comments are always present. Finally what are the things you are looking in order someone to be your bff(bestfriendforever)! love you and ciaoooooooo

  • Selen says:

    How do you edit your photos? Do you use a specific program or an application? And what type of camera do you use?

  • Hannah says:

    Where is the dress, you are wearing in the picture from?:)

  • Camilla says:

    Kort och gott, har ni några mysiga planer för jul-helgen som kommer snart? :D
    Supertack för både din och Jon/Benjamins-youtubekanaler, ni gör verkligen min dag lite bättre när jag får smittas av era härliga energier! Kram

  • Kristina says:

    Hey janni.

    What are your plans for th future? Maybe your own business?
    When are you planning the trip with jon you got for you b.day? And where are u gonna go?
    Tell us something about the wedding. You never do. What ring did you get. Where will be the wedding, maybe in how many months?


  • Eleni Vellidu says:

    Do you have spesific fitness goals or you just going, only healthy lifestyle?

  • Liena Snow says:

    Hey Janni, thank you so much for filming Q&A.
    I might be a bit too late here to ask a question. But if you haven’t filmed a video already I would like to ask what would be your professional career aspiration or dream goal? Like anything, dream achievement in your career. A fashion or jewellery line maybe? Would be so amazing!
    Mine is to create a style blog that has editorials like in Vogue. I would like to be an artistic director for Chanel and Dior, Balmain. I find fashion so inspiring and having a fashion line would be an absolute dream of mine.
    You said not to ask too private questions but if you do answer personal ones it would be lovely to hear how you settling into your new home and maybe your ideas for a wedding. If you have already thought about your wedding plans. So happy for you and Jon, you are a wonderful couple!
    Thank you so much for all your work. Adore your blog, style, photos and videos.
    Lots of love xx

  • Sofia says:

    Här är en del av mina funderingar, hoppas du svara det skulle ha gjort min dag<3

    Hur fixar du och Jon egentid med varandra eftersom ni har Benni hela tiden med er?
    Delar du och Jon eran ekonomi?
    Har ni börjat tala om hur bröllopet skall se ut?
    Då när ni är ifrån varandra hur brukar ni vara i kontakt med varandra? Ringandes eller och hur ofta?
    Kan ni göra en ny house tour efter att all remont är klart?
    Vad tänkte dina föräldrar då du började dejta Jon och hur reagera dom när Jon hade frågat om du vill gifta dig med honom?
    Jon köpte ju en tomt i Lombok, visste du om det eller är det “bara” Jon som äger det?

  • Nienke says:

    Hi Janni!

    Can you tell me what makes your instagram feed looks so nice, what are you’re Tips And tricks ?


  • Aimee says:

    Hi Janni,

    I was wondering who was your ultimate style icon? Any celebrities style that you love?
    Also where would you love visit on a holiday?

  • Emelie says:

    Hi Janni, thank you so much for being a total inspiration!

    1. Are you going to change your last name when you get married?
    2. You’re always so confident! How do you think about confidence? Got any tips?

    Much love! Xxx

  • Myriam Bekkoucha says:

    What’s the most important thing you have learned so far in your life? or what advice would you give someone who is just starting their independent life ( I’m starting university in the fall) , bisous !

  • Chanel Ree says:

    Hi Janni!

    what study did you do?
    What would you do if you did not do this?

    much love Chanel from Holland

  • Giulia says:

    Hi Janni, What do you do to accept your body? What motivates you the most? Btw i really enjoy your videos and i hope you’ll soon come to Sardinia

  • Ella ek says:

    Hej janni!! Detta är ingen fråga direkt men jag ska utomlands nu i jul och har extrem brist på bikinis och baddräkter. Skulle du kunna göra typ ett inlägg eller tipsa om några märken? Tack på förhand

  • alexandra says:

    Hello hello! How was the first meeting with Jon’s parents and how did Jon felt when he met yours? You guys are so nice!
    ps- you should find a girlfriend for Benni, haha :D
    Ciao Ciao!

  • Caroline says:

    Först o främst, älskar bloggen o dina vloggar, du är genuin och verkar vara en så härlig person! Denna frågan får du säkert 238 gånger men vilka kameror använder du, vet att du använder din leica ofta men har spått en Canon i vissa vloggar ;) är på jakt efter en ny men känner ej att leica är i min prisram, är det Jons mark 4 ni fotar med ibland ?

  • Sophie says:

    Hi Janni! Congrats for your engagement! I would like to know what day do you plan to get marry, and where are you going to do it (Monaco, Stockholm, Marbella)?
    We love your videos

    Sophie and Maria

  • Victoria Frisell says:

    Hej Janni! Är nyfiken, hur kom du egentligen in i influencer- och modebranshen som du jobbar med nu? Hade du något annat jobb innan dess?


  • Sevi says:

    Hey Janni :) can you tell us about your diet? How often do you exercise and what type of workouts do you prefer ? I wish you the best ?

  • Olivia says:

    Hej Janni!
    Hur många syskon har du?
    Är det t.ex 2 med samma ma och pa och 3 på mammas sida och 3 på pappas sida? Hur ser det ut?? ?

  • Kim says:

    Will you consider the fair fashion segment?? Or is it nothing for you?

  • Celine says:

    Hi Janni,

    What is the brand of that bordeaux bracelet you always wear? I really like the simplicity of it! ?

    Absolutely L ❤️ V E your style btw,


  • Kate says:

    I would like to do something related to what you do to earn your life!!
    How did you started with your youtube channel and earning followers? I don’t know how to start…. ❤️

  • Maja says:

    Hur lång är du & hur mycket väger du? Du är super snygg! Hur ser du på kost & träning mm?

  • Helena says:

    Hej! Tack för en fin blogg!! Jag undrar om du har något favoritmärke när det kommer till smink och krämer?


  • Bruna Santos says:

    Hello dear Janni, I hope you’re doing well!
    We are Bruna and Rita and we have two questions for you.
    1. What is your best advice in terms of digital marketing for a brand/service that is only promoted online? We own a wedding planning service and we are looking for work in wedding destination weddings with couples all over the world.
    2. What is the best way to reach you? We would love to send you a little candy christmas box.
    Thank you so much for inspire us girls to be bigger and better every day.
    Bruna and Rita

  • Fabian says:

    Hello Janni!!! Congratulations for your engagement :D

    In an earlier vlog you mentioned that you have studied economics or management.
    Could you share your experiences and and tell us what you liked/ not liked about your studies and if you would recommend it?
    Would be very inspiring :D Thank you so much!

    Best wishes from Germany!

  • madalena says:

    Hi Janni! What times do you give to someone that wants to start a blog?Have you ever thought of coming to Portugal? Congratulations for your engagment

  • Anika says:

    Hi Janni, first, congrats for your engagement with Jon. I really like that. My question is, why aren’t you jealous in relation with Jon? Do you have a secret? I really admire you for that! Thank you so much for your answer.

    Best wishes from Germany.

  • Marinda says:

    Hi Janni,

    You seem very healthy and active. What does your weekly fitness routine look like ?


  • Aitana says:

    Hi Janni, congrats for your engagement! I wanted to know how did you become a model? Its my dream to be a model but I dont know how to start. And also could you give some tips of starting a vlog? Because I would love to start one but Im a bit lost haha
    A lot of kisses!
    P.d: Im also from Marbella so I hope one day I will meet you :D

  • Heleri says:

    Hello Janni!
    Congrats for your engagement! My question is that how to you edit your videos and with what program? ?

  • Cris rodriguez says:

    Hey Janni! I wanted to ask you for some tips about how to start being a blogger, because I am in love with fashion and I would really like to share it with the world but I am not sure when and how to start!

    Thank you so much!! Congrats for the marriage!

  • Rachel says:

    Heyy congrats on the engagement:) i wanted to ask what is the best tip for being confident?

  • Jihane says:

    Congratulations I live you guys so much my question is if you would do your wedding in morocco will you wear a moroccan Caftan? you will look super gorgeous in it ???

  • Kaisa Elise says:

    What do you eat in a day ? And can you do a what do you eat in a week video ? Pretty please !!

  • ronna says:

    Congratulations on your engagement, Janni! You and Jon are a wonderful couple and your travels and vlogs are so interesting to watch. I have one question: what is your time of birth? You had positive aspects to your love planet venus this year which is ideal for love and marriage!

  • Sofia says:

    Här är en del av mina funderingar, hoppas du svara det skulle ha gjort min dag<3

    Du fick en födelsedagspresent av Jon att bara du och han skulle på semester, ni har inte ännu gjort det, när tänker ni åka på den resan?!?
    Hur fixar du och Jon egentid med varandra eftersom ni har Benni hela tiden med er?
    Delar du och Jon eran ekonomi?
    Har ni börjat tala om hur bröllopet skall se ut?
    Då när ni är ifrån varandra hur brukar ni vara i kontakt med varandra? Ringandes eller och hur ofta?
    Kan ni göra en ny house tour efter att all remont är klart?
    Vad tänkte dina föräldrar då du började dejta Jon och hur reagera dom när Jon hade frågat om du vill gifta dig med honom?
    Jon köpte ju en tomt i Lombok, visste du om det eller är det “bara” Jon som äger det?

  • Florence says:

    Hey Janni
    I wanted to ask you of you can show us your family tree? It would be so cool to find out who your family is!

  • Alexandra says:

    Hej Janni!
    Jag vet att du och Jon förut pratade om att ni skulle ha dejt-dagar en gång i veckan (om jag nu minns rätt…) och jag undrar om det är något ni fortfarande kör på eller om det har glömts bort lite? Ni är ju ute och reser väldigt mycket och har nästan alltid någon kamera i gång så tänkte om ni får någon “kvalitets-tid” tillsammans? Tyckte i varje fall att det var en jättefin grej att ha “dejt-dag” med sin partner när ni tog upp det förut så det var därför jag undra haha.. :)

  • Tirza says:

    Hi! I really adore your style of clothes however you buy mostly of the same brands/stores. I was wondering what is your favorite brand/store, and maybe an idea to make lookbooks with brands like H&M, zara, mango or bershka etc… (I would say the more common brands).

  • sara says:

    My question is if it is hard for you to live outside your homecountry


  • Pamela says:

    Hej! Va kul med en Q&A! Jag skulle gärna vilja höra en video där du pratar svenska, blir inte lika äkta på något vis på engelska haha. Förstår ju att det är smidigt med engelska men en gång på svenska iaf!

  • Wictoria says:

    Hej Janni! Älskar dina vloggar, skulle du vilja göra en video där du visar upp alla dina handväskor så som många andra youtubers gör? :D Skulle tycka det var jätte roligt, tycker själv det är väldigt roligt med väskor, det livar upp outfiten så mycket.

  • Mércia Nery says:

    Hey Janni! Luv ur blog <3 My Q is: Have you tried Botox treatments?

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