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Hej babes! Vilken kaos-dag det blev, dagen har gått i ett och helt plötsligt blev det kväll. Idag är det jag som håller i luckan i Nellys julkampanj, hehe. ;-) Idag kör dom 30% off valda beauty produkter. Hittade några av mina favoriter, jag använder den här foundationen, mascaran och läppennorna. Man älskar ju att tända ljus och ha doftpinnar hemma också… Ni kommer till erbjudandet HÄR! Jag börjar bli mer och mer intresserad av beauty, även om jag oftast går osminkad. Jag börjar tycka det är roligare och vill lära mig mer. Tycker ni beauty är kul? Är det något ni vill läsa/se mer av? Let me know så ska jag försöka fixa det om ni gillar det. Nu – ladda upp videon från igår och sen film och avstängd dator! Puss och kram!!

//Hey babes! What a chaotic day, it flew by and all of a sudden it is night. Today I’m holding the number in Nelly’s Christmas calendar, hehe. ;-) Today they have 30% off selected beauty products. I found some of my favourites, I use this foundation, mascara and lipsticks. You gotta love candles and the sticks with perfume to have at home… You’ll get to the website HERE! I’m starting to get more and more into beauty, even if I most of the time walk around without make up. I’m starting to get more interested in it and want to learn more. Do you think beauty is fun? Is it something you would like to read/see more of? Let me know and I’ll try to write more if you like it. Now – upload yesterdays video and then watch a movie and turn off my computer! Kisses and hugs!!

16 reaktioner på “BEAUTY PICKS”

  • Christina says:

    Yes of course! Please show us more about makeup and beauty. I would like to see more of it! :)

  • Helene says:

    hei janni, actually when it comes to make up and wearing make up I´m pretty much like you. most of the time I do run round without make up because I just feel so much more fresh and clean ;) but I do put on make up when I go out for dinner and stuff , but then I have this routine of how I do it, so I can do like 2 different looks hahah but one of my kind of new years resolution is to like learn more about make up and beauty and stuff like that. Cause actually makeup can change the way you look and complement your outfit quite well I think :) so I´m currently working on my make up skills haha
    would love to read some stuff about make up and beauty, also like something with skin care routines would be nice in the future!
    and I´m always wondering where you got your jewelry from, the one you wear daily…really curious ;) blog pst about that would be really appreciated xx

  • Lucie says:

    I’m just like you, I usually don’t wear any makeup but I just love knowing stuffs about beauty, and having other people’s opinion and know what are their favorite product and all of that…. I’d love to know more about your beauty routine, you always look so beautiful!
    Lucie, xx

  • Sophia Kohr says:

    Hey janni,
    I think it would be fun to see what kind of beauty products you use. Especially skin care products because you’ve got an amazing skin and to talk more about that would be quite interesting. I looove testing new products and learn about them and when they are actually doing their job it is even more satisfying and cool to talk about.

    Have a great night and a wonderful Christmas for you and your beloved ones. Kisses xx

  • Jouke says:

    Hi Janni, As it appears you don’t need make-up to be a beauty. Love your look!

  • Sara says:

    Heej Janni, jag har en fråga angående en outfit du haft :)
    I DETTA inlägg har du en så himla fin jumpsuit! Är det denna: ? Den ser så ljus ut i färgen på hemsidan jämfört med dina bilder. Tack för svar, stor kram!

  • Anastasia says:

    Hey Janni, what is your Spotify? :)

  • Frida says:

    Jag vill se mer!!!! Jag kan ännu mindre än dig, verkligen, men vill lära mig. Blir frustrerad av att inte kunna, fast samtidigt är jag lite lat av mig på den fronten ;)
    Nåväl. Tack för en grym blogg! Kram & god jul

  • Emma says:

    Hi Janni, I would LOVE to see more beauty stuff on your blog/YouTube channel!! And skin care – fave products etc :-)
    By the way, I’m loving your week of vlogs.
    Have a great Christmas!

  • katti says:

    Skulle du inte kunna visa mer exempel på övningar du gör när du tränar, typ vilka du brukar byta mellan? Mer om träning och kost och allt sådant och hur du tänker kring det!

    Grym blogg annars! :)

  • Benedetta says:

    Love your beauty selections!!!
    Be Happy with Fashion

  • Sabina says:

    Such a great selections of beauty products! Beauty is fun and creating make-up looks is even more fun! :)

    Sabina | I’ve Got Sunshine

  • Hi lovely,

    Your blog post will be featured in Bloggers Issue Magazine.

  • Amanda says:

    Hej, älskar att du är en av få som inte kör så mycket smink. Fortsätt så och satsa på resten!

  • Lisa says:

    Hey Janni! I would say the same as the others above me, I would like it to know more about your beauty routine, your opinion etc. Happy Holidays, xx

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