
Some of the clothes that I’m selling, find my shop HERE!

Babes! Äntligen har jag tagit tag i att rensa garderober och fixat ett sätt för er att köpa det. :-) Jag gör ett samarbete med Sellpy, dom hämtar upp kläder och saker man vill sälja sen fotar de allt och säljer det åt en. Jag som inte har tid/ork med det och bara låter grejerna ligga någonstans tycker det är en så sjukt bra idé! Jag säljer en blandning av plagg – jackor, tröjor, byxor, skor osv osv. Ni kan hitta lite smått och gott av allt. :-) Plaggen ovan är ett litet smakprov av vad som finns. Hoppas ni hittar något ni gillar! Hälften av vinsten har jag valt att ge till Världsnaturfonden WWF.  Happy shopping, puss <3

//Babes! I’ve finally cleaned out my closets and found a way for you to buy it (only shipping in Sweden though, will try to get world wide if I do it again!). :-) I’m doing a collaboration with Sellpy, they pick up your clothes you want to sell and then they shoot it all and sell it for you. For me who doesn’t have the time/energy to do that and instead just keep all my stuff somewhere this is such a great idea! I’m selling a mix of pieces – jackets, shirts, pants, shoes etc etc. You can find a little bit of everything. :-) The pieces above are some of what I’m selling. Hope you find something you like! Half of the profit I chose to donate to WWF (charity). Happy shopping, hugs <3

12 reaktioner på “SELLING MY CLOTHES”

  • Sophie says:

    Synd jag är en minimänniska i typ str. 34 … annars hade lätt slagit till med den där pälsjackan på 4/5 bilden.
    Fast iof sig vet jag ju inte storleken på den, men gissar 36/38 … ?

  • olivia says:

    Skulle du kunna göra ett inlägg om de butiker du brukar köpa dina kläder i? tycker du har en väldigt bra klädstil och klär mig ganska likt, men letar efter affärer med denna stil.. Skulle vara tacksam för svar;))

  • Anna lyhs says:

    Well done! WWF does a lot of important work. Been a monthly giver for years.

  • Julia says:

    I wish i lived in Sweden. I’m from Poland and it feels so strange, that although Sweden is close to Poland, it’s still not close enough to buy anything… Hope the shipping will be in whole Europe the next time. Fingers crossed!

  • kristina says:

    nooooooooooooooooo. I was sooo looking forward to this moment :((( and i Cant buy it. hopefully you will do your best to make it happen for non sweden citizens :(

  • Cecilia says:

    Finns den rosa/svart/ vita pälsjacka kvar??
    Vill så gärna ha den ??
    Tacksam för svar.
    Mvh C

  • Siri says:

    Nooo I was hoping to buy at least one or two pieces… Unfortunately I’m from Austria… Crossing fingers for the next time though ;) happy shopping to all the other ones!

  • Matilda says:

    Åhh måste kolla in shoppen!!

  • Hieke says:

    Ohhh I am so in love with the furry jackets <3 Both are perfect! Hopefully next time you will also sell some clothes in Holland, haha :). I should clean out my closet as well, do you have any tips how do to that? Because 1) I don't like cleaning and 2) I have many many many clothes lol. X

  • Erika Pudas says:

    unrelevant with the post, but which iphone are u using now? it was so pretty, i saw it in jons vlog today

  • Mina Oysul says:

    I love doing a wardrobe renewal to make some space for new clothes! It is as fun as buying new things haha :-)

    Check out my outfit post on my blog! I blog daily from LA x For more travel and fashion

  • Sabina says:

    Ahhh! Too bad the shipping is only available in Sweden, I’d have loved to check them out!

    Sabina | I’ve Got Sunshine

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