
Amazing view by the lighthouse, loved that place!

Hej babes! Vi har (såklart) haft strul med internet, så det har inte velat funka riktigt… Nu kom det igång och vi har varit iväg hela dagen. Kom precis hem efter vår sista middag här i Byron, oh my jag kommer sakna det här stället! Igårkväll åkte vi upp till the lighthouse och kollade solnedgången. Vilken dröm! Jag vet inte hur många gånger jag sa “wow” under tiden jag var där uppe. Fantastiska ställe alltså! Jag skulle rekommendera alla att åka hit, människorna, maten, stället och bara hela känslan. Saknar dock era kommentarer lite, jag ser ju att ni är där men ni snackar inte så mycket med mig. Saknar det, er feedback är ju det som gör det roligt! :-) Nu ska jag sova några timmar och sedan har vi en halvdag innan resan hemåt börjar… Hörs när jag vaknar, puss! <3

//Hey babes! We have (of course) had some problems with the internet, it didn’t work really… Now it finally woke up and we’ve been away all day. Just got back from our last dinner here in Byron, oh my I’m gonna miss this place! Last night we went to the lighthouse and watched the sunset. What a dream! I don’t know how many times I said “wow” while I was up there. Amazing place! I would recommend everyone to go here, the people, food, place and just the entire feeling. I miss your comments though, I see that you’re still there but you don’t talk as much with me. Miss it, your feedback is what makes it fun! :-) Now I’m getting some sleep for a few hours and then we have half a day left before we start our trip back home… Talk when I wake up, hugs! <3

53 reaktioner på “THE LIGHTHOUSE”

  • laura says:

    your whishes ar orders heheheh
    like your outfit in this post! the furry jacket is just amazing!
    Some day could u post some tips to what eat during the day to have more abs? (I’m seeing you more strong from the abs;) I know it depends on the body but I guess u have good advisers to can help u ;) thanks a lot! enjoy your trip!!

    • janni says:

      Haha thanks babe, it makes me happy! <3 I can try to tell more about that, the only thing is that I eat so differently depending on where I am in the world haha! But - a great tip is to try to workout as often as you can (and have energy) and skip the fast food and sugar (even I eat that sometimes, you have to have a balance in my opinion). Hugs <3

  • Andrea says:

    Well, I wouldn’t know what to comment other than “wow, looks amazing!”. It seems like you have a wonderful time there which makes us readers happy as well. But other than that there’s not much content going on. Maybe you could add a little background info, how is it to be there with the other girls, how did your collaboration with Aussie start, did you meet any interesting people there? Would be great to get a bit more of that and not just pretty pictures (I don’t mind them ofc, haha) Love xx

    • janni says:

      Thanks for your words sweetie, always nice to hear what you would like to hear about! I will write a post about all of that as soon as I’m back home :-) Hugs! <3

  • Sara says:

    Your blog is amazing – and so are your pictures! Could you please tell me where your jacket and shorts are from? :)

  • Alexa says:

    I love your outfit :) by the way… When will you choose the winner for the Brandy Melville stuff? :D So excited!!

  • Lorna says:

    Janni! I love your blog so much! Your photos are amazing and you are beautiful (i’m jealous!) ;) although I never comment, I check your blog every day for the last 8 months and you inspired me to create my own blog!! Keep up your amazing work (looking forward to seeing loads more photos of yours!) and enjoy your time in Australia! ??

  • Sasha says:

    It’s such a big wish of mine to visit Australia <3

  • Tove says:

    Oj vad du är fin!

  • Susanne says:

    Underbara bilder i vanlig ordning. Längtar helt galet till solen och framförallt värmen.

    Kolla gärna in min sida med nya fräsha målningar

  • fiiaemilia says:

    Hi Janni!

    I’ve been following your blog for ages, but actually never commented anything haha! I love your pictures! You are gorgeous and you have such a good style. It’s fun to follow your posts from Byron Bay, since I lived there for 4 months and it’s very special place to me. I’m still travelling in Australia, just started my second year in this paradise country! Byron Bay is definitely one of the best spots in Australia so far.. (:

    xx Fiia Emilia

    • janni says:

      Hi sweetie! Haha, then it’s about time that you do! ;-) Oh I would love to be here in AUS for a longer time, have to come back asap! Enjoy your time here, biggest hug <3

  • Ilona says:

    Hi! Can you do a post where could be some inspiration for christmas outfits? :) I would want to wear a skirt but I wear them so rarely that I have no idea what to wear with it :D And enjoy your time in Australia, i’m soooo jealous!! Haha :D

  • Carro says:

    Fina bilder! :)

  • Hanna says:

    Janni deler älskar dina bilder. Blir så glad när jag går in på din blogg. Hoppas du har det bra i Australien. Underbar är du. Fortsätt blogga och bomba bilder från dina resor. :)

  • Felicia says:

    Alltså bilderna du tar från alla dina resor är ju bara helt fantastiska! Jag får så otroligt mycket inspiration från både din klädstil och ditt sätt att fånga alla stunder genom din kamera! Ser fram emot att läsa och se mer!

  • Bec and Alex says:

    Sa underbara bilder Janni! Din blogg ar sa himla inspirerande och sa roligt att folja er nu nar ni ar i Australien eftersom jag sjalv har bott har de senaste 6 aren :)

  • ISA says:

    men snyggjäkel! så härlig plats också. too much det här asså ;)

  • Julia says:

    Är du där på jobb? Framgår inte riktigt. Fina bilder dock, som vanligt! :)

    • janni says:

      Vi är här på ett väldigt speciellt jobb, ska berätta mer så fort jag kommer hem igen! :-) Ni kan nämligen söka det här jobbet… ;-) Kram!

  • Izabella says:

    Jag har en fråga till dig! Alltså du tycker ju om kläder och styling och grejer, jag tycker också om att klä mig snyggt och sånt men tonar gärna ner mig när jag ska någonstans (typ bär inte klackar till skolan) för jag känner mig lätt “överklädd”. Hur gör du för att inte känna så? Jag är sällan på tillställningar där man har möjlighet att klä upp sig ordentligt så jag vill mer få in det i vardagen eftersom att jag tycker att det är så pass kul! Har du några tips? :D
    Super bra blogg btw!
    Kram Izabella :)

    • janni says:

      Hej söta! Jag tycker man ska köra på det man vill och känner sig bekväm i, inte tänka så mycket på vad andra tycker. Vill du ha klackar – go for it! Vil du ha sandaler – go for it! Ja, du fattar hur jag tänker. :-) Jag älskar folk som kör sitt eget race och klär sig på det sättet de gillar, inte bryr sig om det passar in. Stor kram! <3

  • L&A says:

    Such beautiful pictures! I love your outfit!


  • Anna says:

    Älskar outfiten!! Hur varmt är det i Australien nu? Är inte inte varmt med den mysiga jackan? ?

    • janni says:

      Det är supervarmt på dagarna men blir lite kallare på kvällarna. :-) Så jackan var perfekt på kvällen! Kram <3

  • antonia says:

    i was a bit lazy with commenting lately i admit :D but it was mostly because it took so much time till you answer. most of the times i already forgot where i commented so when i saw you comment back i had to check every blog post to see where i commented and if you answered me :D
    also there wasnt really back ground info. i follow you since the start or at least after one or two month you started blogging and you always took us very very very good through your day. let us be a part of your live and you interacted a lot more with us. now your text are a bit hmm lets say superficial and not very informative. i never left such a negative comment on your blog ever. i like you, i think you are a super sweet and gorgeous girl. but you asked and i will be honest with you. but since you see even if i think your blog wasnt as interesting as in the past i am still here and will be here. i am a faithful one. it just felt that in the past (when you hadnt so much follower) you had maybe more fun at blogging or put more effort in it (thats why you won an award so fast cuz we felt so close to you) and now that you have 700+K instagram follower i feel like you made it and dont need to be so close to us because brands will want to work with you anyways. one thing why kenza is successful since the start till now and wins every single price is because she never turned her back on her readers no matter how much success she had/has. same goes to lisa btw ;)) she did a interview with a interviewer in NY where she gave tips for a successful blog and she said one of the most important things for her is to be close to the readers and she really was close to her readers back then, alwasy answered questions, but since about spring this year she stopped. so if she is next to you you can tell her, we readers notice and it makes a huge difference. :) <3

    • janni says:

      Hi sweetie! yes, I’ve missed your comments! ;-) I’ve been traveling like crazy and I guess it takes 1-3 days sometimes before I sit down and answer your comments. But usually not more than that! Thanks for the feedback, I’m really taking it in and listen. I didn’t think I’ve changed my way of writing but maybe I’m used to how I do it and get comfortable. I don’t know! :-) I still love it and have just as fun, the 700k+ on Instagram doesn’t affect me at all to be honest. I will never take you guys or the companies that will work with me for granted, I’m happy for it every single day. Just so you know! :-) Me and Lisa talked about this and we will both think about it. Thanks again babe, make sure to let me know if you think I’m changing again haha! Hugs <3

  • Siri says:

    Älskar den lilla ryggsäcken, snygg detalj!

  • Sara says:

    Älskar denna outfit!

  • Tyra says:

    Ser ut som du har hatt noen fantastiske dager!! Lengter til varme og sol her jeg sitter på biblioteket og leser til eksamen.. Snart ferie på meg også :)
    Når skal du velge vinner av outfit-konkurransen som var for en uke siden? :D
    Nyyt de siste dagene og god tur hjem når den tid kommer!

    • janni says:

      Ja det har varit magiskt här borta! :-) Jag ska säga vinnaren så fort jag är hemma igen! Stor kram <3

  • Camilla says:

    Fantastiska bilder! Man bli så Inspirerad! Vilken resa det ser ut som du/ni haft :) Får hamna på min lista över önskeresemål. Kram!

  • Claudia says:

    Skulle du kunna göra en liten Australien guide när du kommer hem? Alla tips uppskattas! :))

  • Matilda says:

    Hej fina Janni! Ser ut som att du har det alldeles underbart! Jag var i Byron Bay för åtta år sedan och håller med dig om att det är en helt magisk plats! Jag tänkte även passa på att fråga dig om du kanske kunde göra ett inlägg med lite tips på outfits inför nyår, min inspiration står helt still så skulle behöva lite hjälp på traven! Kramis!

  • Lidka says:

    I`m glad that you have a great time in Australia :)
    P.S. I`m here as always and I love to look at all these new places through your eyes :*

  • Mariette Juul says:

    Love your top!! Where can I get it? :D

  • As snygg outfit! Vart är allt ifrån? Need to know!

    • janni says:

      Tack fina! :D Jacka från Nelly (gammal…), top från min kollektion för Nelly (:D) shorts från Levis, ryggsäck från Stella McCartney och skor från jennie ellen :-) Kram!

  • Linda says:

    Vilken söt ryggsäck! <3 och dina bilder får mig att vilja åka till Australien ennu mer än förut! Kram :)

  • Is that Australia? Crazy, at the beginning I thought that it was UK!!!!
    Your make up is gorgeous!!

    Check out my latest post about Alessandro Michele’s nerdy style, the trend that is bringing great earnings to Gucci.


  • Jade says:

    Love your outfit! ? xx

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