
Finally in beautiful Boston!

Hello Boston!! Nu är det kväll hemma och här måste vi vara vakna ett tag till, resan gick supersmooth men kändes ganska lång. Kunde ju såklart inte sova på det längre flyget så har kollat film hela dagen typ. :-) När vi kom fram sprang vi (yes, vi var riktigt hungriga) ut och åt lunch. Nu ligger vi på hotellrummet och chillar lite innan vi ska ut på middag. Av det jag sett så gillar jag Boston massor, mysiga gator, väldigt rent och bara härligt. Har ni några tips på saker vi inte får missa får ni gärna säga till, mat, shopping eller bara vad som helst. Puss babes, hörs imorgon! <3

//Hello Boston!! Now it’s night time at home and here we have to stay awake for a while longer, the trip over here went super smooth but felt pretty long. Of course I couldn’t sleep anything on our long flight so I’ve been watching movies all day. :-) When we arrived we ran (yes, we were so hungry) out for lunch. Now we’re back at the hotel room and taking it easy before we’re going out for dinner. I like Boston a lot from what I’ve seen so far, cozy streets, very clean and just nice. If you have any tips of things we can’t miss here I would love to hear, food, shopping or just anything. Hugs babes, talk tomorrow! <3

16 reaktioner på “TOUCHDOWN BOSTON”

  • Johanna says:

    SÅ kul att du är i Boston! Bor och jobbar som au pair här! Kan tipsa om att åka duck tour för att se staden, se Charlestown, äta italienskt i North End, lobster rolls på Luke’s Lobster, promenera längs esplanaden vid Charles River, genom Beacon Hills mysiga gator och äta frukost/brunch/lunch på The Paramount som ligger i Beacon Hill på Charles Street! Världens godaste omeletter och bananpannkakor! :D Hoppas ni får en grym vistelse!

  • Emelie says:

    Om ni får chansen, besök restaurangen Oishii! Grym sushi, och glöm inte att beställa Salmon on fire, sliders och det bästa av allt- Truffle Salmon! Ni kommer inte ångra er

  • Linda says:

    Alltså vad hände med kamera tävlingen?

  • Ohh Boston is beautiful, just came home yesterday from there and loved it! Have a nice time x

  • Liam Farrell says:

    Ok, if you have a chance take a short flight to Nantucket, you would love it. Also, Faneuil hall has a great vibe of small restaurants all together with so many diffrent cultures represented. The freedom trail is a great way to see the historical sights. Public garden and Boston Common are so beautiful, with flowers and monuments. The harbor cruises to the islands are a great day trip. Top of the hub is a great restaurant on the top of the prudential building. There are great plays if you are into that. The Greenway is a supercool park that is part of a project to make the city a nicer place. The diffrent cultural neighborhoods are great to explore, like Italy, Ireland and China. The Duckboats are a fun tour in these ww2 amphibous trucks/boats that take you on the of the city and then drive into the water and let you drive it around. The aquarium is one of the nicest I have ever been to, it is right on the water front and has great exhibits. The Isabella Stewart Gardner Muesum and Muesum of Fine Arts have some of the best artworks and have great history and have a very old world feel. The Muesum of Science has great interactive exhibits if you are looking to have fun. The USS constitution is a very old wodden navy ship from the 1700’s that has a Muesum and activitys in and around it. Depending on the rotation theatre should be a newer navy ship to tour, but possibly not. The Swan Boats I could not recommend more, they are a small boat with benches with a huge swan at the back of them that take a little trip around a small flower and shaded pond with lots of real swans that swim in the water. If you can you should try and catch a Red Sox game at Fenway, such a fun place to enjoy yourself, you don’t really have to pay attention to the game. To get the most of your trip the freedom trail takes you around the city on a brick or red line that you follow and takes you to diffrent historical sights. The trail is a self guided tour but there are diffrent tour company’s that will send you with a tour guide. And if you do decide to go to Nantucket email me, have great suggestions for there to.


    • Liam Farrell says:

      Also at about noon everyday a bunch of food trucks show up at the Greenway with all diffrent types of food. They can be very fun to taste all the diffrent styles of cooking. And make sure you have a Bowl of New England Clam Chowder and a Lobster Roll. The Union Oyster House has great New England style food. Here is the calender for the food trucks.

      • Liam Farrell says:

        I just noticed the Big Orange Duck boat in the first picture. Those leave from the Museum of Science and then take you on the tour and drop you back off there. They all have different names and color schemes. Also a great place to take a walk in is Beacon Hill with all of the stone buildings, my mom used to live in one when she was in college. I am currently on Nantucket if you have any questions about there as well. Beacon hill is very clean and has great charm. The houses there are very expensive, The Secretary Of State has a house there as well as on Nantucket. Our Vice President has a house on Nantucket as well. I would love it if you would come to Nantucket, it would be great to meet you.

  • Maria says:

    The North End for the best Italian food in Boston and Newbury Street for shopping. Welcome to Boston!

  • Val says:

    Yay Boston! :) I lived there for the past four years while I was in college, so much fun! I’d recommend:

    Walking across the Massachusetts avenue bridge towards MIT/Cambridge for a great view of the city. Fun to do at sunset for pictures!

    Similarly, the esplanade (the park along the shore of the Charles river) is a great place to go for a morning jog/walk.

    The Thinking Cup (on Tremont Street) has delicious lattes and cute macarons. Perfect for an afternoon coffee break.

    Flywheel in the prudential center has great workout classes. They do spin classes in a dark studio with fun music– kinda like a dance club vibe! Always super sweaty & a killer workout.

    Newbury Street has awesome food & shopping. I’d recommend going early in the day (~10am) or not on the weekend– it can get super crowded. My favorite food spots were Stephanie’s for big fresh salads and Sonsie for brunch. LUSH sells amazing fresh face masks that you can do at home. In the store you can see fresh batches of the masks all displayed in bowls, my favorites were the blueberry & oatmeal ones :D. And then you really can’t go wrong clothes shopping there, great stores are everywhere!

    Hope you have an amazing trip!! <3

  • Mari says:

    Härligt! Ser riktigt fint ut =)

  • I’ve never been to Boston but it looks really cool already!

  • I love Boston very much, nice pics!

  • Alex says:

    I live in Boston full time and would gladly show you around if you have the time and/or energy. In terms of food, I would recommend O Ya Boston (modern Asian/Japanese cuisine) or Oishii Boston (Japanese). Generally, especially in August, I would recommend trying to eat as much seafood and shellfish as you can. I would also recommend B&G Oyster House and Ostra for that. Go to Newbury St for shopping. Let me know if I can help any more.

  • Sam Langston says:

    You should check-out my favorite blog for all things fashion, food, and lifestyle in Boston…it’s the best in the city!

  • Manon says:

    You should def go to the Quincy market. It is a real foodies’ paradise!! And have a walk in the Harvard district, it is really pretty and cosy there. Nice atmosphere! Love your blog Janni! I got so inspired when I’m going through your blog!! Have a nice time overthere! x

  • MAJA says:

    asså den väskan… snyggaste boyväskan jag sett tror jag, LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

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