Snaps from yesterday and this morning, haha!
Good morgon babes! Min morgon startade vid 07.00 när jag åkte från huset ner till min syster. Vi hade bokat träningspass på stranden vid 07.30 och då var det benpass på schemat. Alltså, jag trodde jag skulle få krypa hem halvvägs in i passet haha! SÅ härlig start på dagen, det är en tränare på stranden man kör med och han kör mån-fre, så jag tror vi kommer köra imorgon också. Om jag kan gå då såklart. ;-) I mitten av passet kom det världens regnskur som höll i sig resten av träningen, det var vi verkligen inte förberedda på då det typ aldrig regnar här men wow vad skönt det var! Mindre skönt när man skulle hem i golfbil men fortfarande så värt det. Bästa starten på dagen. Igår hängde vi vid poolen hos min syster med kidsen, och jag tror kanske att vi planerar samma sak idag. Älskar att hänga med dom, får passa på nu innan dom flyttar tillbaka till Sverige. :-( Hörs senare, massa kärlek <3
//Good morning babes! My morning started at 07.00 when I left the house to go down to my sister. We had a workout on the beach booked at 07.30 and then we had a leg workout on the schedule. Oh my, I thought I would have to crawl home half way in to the workout haha! SUCH a nice way to start the day, it’s a trainer that does workouts in the beach mon-fri, so I think we’ll do it tomorrow morning too. If I can walk, of course. ;-) In the middle of the session it started raining like crazy, we were not prepared for that since it usually never rains here but wow it was nice! Not as nice when I was going back home in the golf cart but still worth it. Best start of the day. Yesterday we hung out by the pool at my sisters place with the kids, and I think we’re planning to do the same today. Love to hang out with them, have to do it as much as I can now before they move back to Sweden. :-( Talk later, lots of love <3
Hello! Janni trop mignon baby bon séjour a Marbella!
Wonderful photos. It is so nice to spend time with loved ones.
It reminds me that I should have a workout today as well. Great motivation.
Have a lovely day xx
Definitley the best way to start the day !! Love the pictures, the kids are so beautiful and cuute ???
Wow! Vilket underbart pass, det lät som! Skulle jag också vilja testa, haha :-)
Hello Janni, what a nice way to start the day! I would like to say that I’m from Málaga so, if you want a day girls,here i am??I can show you new places,maybe in Málaga,I’m not sure, but i think you have never been there and it has cool places too. Also,like Jon wants to do new things everyday ?I would like to suggest for all of you,now that you’re in Marbella, to visit “El caminito del Rey”,i think you will love it, the views there are amazing and it’s a good adventure! And,another thing,is going to spend one day in Tarifa for surfing. I’m a bit worry for suggesting these places because you have been in a lot of amazing places!! Have a nice days in Marbella,enjoy?
Thanks for tips babe, always nice!! :D Xx
Your sister is SO beautiful! Love to follow you life, and especially when you are in Marbella! Enjoy the time with your family <3 I am my nieces and nephews so much, so can't wait to go home in a couple of weeks!
I am missing*
Men åh vad skönt det låter! Hade varit super kul med ett träningsinlägg, var du visar några övningar och så! Stor kram
Det ska jag försöka få till snart! :D Kram!
Such a wonderful family!;-)<3
Finaste systrarna!
Skulle vara kul om du skrev ett inlägg om dina/era sommarplaner :*
How great it must be to have a sister and share same interests! you guys look like twins!
It is, she’s my best friend! :-) Xx