Dreamy breakfast last weekend, outside!
God morgon! Sov över hos pappa inatt, vi kollade Titanic (en av världens bästa filmer tycker jag) och den är ju så lång så somnade där när den var slut. Gick hem tidigt imorse och har precis ätit frukost framför nyhetsmorgon. :-) Förra helgen gick jag hem till Mira som bjöd på drömfrukost utomhus… Smakade smultron-vindruvor, har ni ätit det? Åt upp hela klasen typ, haha! Ska snart röra mig mot Tantolunden för träningspasset jag berättat om tidigare, är riktigt peppad! Solen skiner vilket gör det ännu roligare, såklart. Hoppas jag träffar några av er där! Puss babes, hörs senare <3
//Good morning! Spent the night at my dads, we watched Titanic (one of the best movies ever made I think) and it’s pretty long so I fell asleep when it was finished. Walked home early this morning and just had breakfast infront of the morning news. :-) Last weekend I walked over to Mira who invited me for a dreamy breakfast outside… Had wild strawberry-grapes, have you ever tried it? I had the whole thing, haha! Will soon get going to Tantolunden for the workout I told you about before, I’m really excited! The sun is shining which makes it even more fun, of course. Hopefully I’ll meet some of you there! Hugs babes, talk later <3
Yesterday we watched titanic too! Hahaha <3
Hey Janni! Living in Scandinavia, eating breakfast outdoors is such a rare luxury. The possibility to have a lovely brekkie outside is one of the main reasons why I’m longing for a balcony of my own. Time to upgrade our Helsinki home, I think. Oh and by the way, those raspberries look seriously so good!
Sending love (and lots of sunlight) from Finland! xx
Vad gott det låter med smultron-vindruvor och det har jag aldrig hört talas om fören nu! Kram
Hi Janni ,
How are you ? I’m planning a surprise trip for my boyfriends’ birthday to Stockholm. I allready booked the flight tickets, but I have trouble chosing a good hotel in a nice neighboorhood. Do you have any suggestions for me ? Other tips about Stockholm (eatplaces, must see places, and so on) are more than welcome !!
Thank you !
xohugs Marie-Lynn from Belgium
Hey sweetie! Oh, sounds nice! :-) I like the hotels around stureplan, since they’re in the middle of everything. I don’t stay much at hotels though so not too much knowledge, I like Lydmar, Elite Eden and Nobis. Hugs! <3
I wonder if those grapes are the same kind of strawberry-grapes they use in the Venetto region of Italy to make a delicious wine called Fragolino. Unfortunately, it’s very hard to find real Fragolino these days, even in Italy, since the EU and the Italian government banned its commerce for whatever reason. Really good, though, it’s actually the only wine I like (well, asides from sparkling wine).
Nice post :) Hey could u do a post where you write about your eating ?:) It would be awesome to get a post, where in readers could see in pics, what do you eat usually and how often and in what kind of portions :)
Thank you in advance!
I will try to take a food-day in my life, haha wait for it! :-) Hugs!
men gud vad perfekt! så borde man starta varje solig dag! <3
Vart kan man få tag på dom där smultron-vindruvorna? Det lät otroligt intressant!:)
Själv har jag ett litet trolleritrick jag demonstrerar, så vill ni blända någon eller imponera på man/kjæresten, bror din eller sonen/dottern kika in och se när jag avslöjar ett imponerande trick!
Fanns på ICA, så kolla i någon av deras butiker! :-) Kram!
Everything looks so delicious!
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Så mys!
All of that looks FANTASTIC!
The bread looks so good! :D