Amazing day yesterday, spending it with my love!
Kom precis hem från pappa där hela gänget åt middag igen. Mysigt att ha en stor del av sin familj runt bordet, mycket skoj och mycket retande från min pappa. Som vanligt haha! Så glad att ha Jon här också, världens bästa kille. Har åkt runt i raket-bilen igen, har fortfarande inte provat köra den. Är inte det lite konstigt? Kanske ska försöka mig på ett åk om jag vågar! ;-) Hann inte klart med Bali-guiden eftersom vi åkte iväg till pappa, men den kommer upp imorgon! Puss, ha en mysig kväll fina ni. <3
//Just got back from my dad where the whole team had dinner again. Cozy to have a big part of my family around the table, lots of laughing and teasing from my dad. Just as usual haha! So glad to have Jon here too, the best guy in the world. We’ve been driving around in the space ship car again, I still haven’t driven it yet. Isn’t that pretty weird? Will try to take it out for a spin if I dare to! ;-) Didn’t have time to finish the Bali-guide since we went for dinner, but I will post it tomorrow! Hugs, have a great night sweethearts. <3
Hope u had a nice christmas night. Will u tell what u got from Jon?
Btw: you should teach Jon alittle on how to dress well. This pair of jeans looks way to big on him :o)
I will tell you, even though I told him not to give me anything haha! He’s old enough to dress himself, but sometimes I tell him what I like. I think he knows what he’s doing. ;-) Hugs!