Feels crazy to see myself on the cover, can’t get used to it!
God morgon! Min mamma tog med en VeckoRevyn nu när dem kom hit så det var första gången jag fick se den live. Känns heeelt sjukt kan jag bara säga hahaha! Jag är iallafall supernöjd, blir så glad när jag går in och kollar hashtagen veckorevyn på instagram, alla bilder när folk har med tidningen på stranden eller vad som. Men, det känns ganska knäppt. ;-) Någon som har sett tidningen? Vad tycker ni isåfall? Nu ska vi ut och åka båt, hörs sen! <3
//Good morning! My mom brought VeckoRevyn now when they arrived and it was the first time I got to see it live. Feels totally crazy I’ll tell you that hahaha! I’m super happy with the result, also very fun to see the hashtag veckorevyn on instagram, all the pics when people have the magazine at the beach or whatever. But, it feels really weird. ;-) Anyone of you guys who have seen the magazine? If so, what do you think? Time to go for a boat ride, talk to you later! <3
anks for sharing the article, and https://vidmate.onl/download/ more importantly, your personal experience of mindfully using our emotions as data about our inner state and knowing when it’s better to de-escalate by taking a time out are great tools. Appreciate you reading and sharing your story since I can certainly relate and I think others can to