
Janni Delér, 29 år gammal från Stockholm, bor nu i Monaco. Älskar allt som har med mode, resor och träning att göra.

Lever ett annorlunda liv där det är mycket resor med min man Jon Olsson (skidåkare) och massor av annat. Här får ni följa med på resan och alla äventyr!

På bara ett år gick allt otroligt snabbt, när jag startade bloggen hade jag inte riktigt funderat på vad det skulle leda till, jag ville dokumentera allt jag var med om för att sedan kunna gå tillbaka och se allt man gjort. Nu är det en stor del av mitt liv och jag älskar det!

Har vunnit Finest blogg-awards ”årets nykomling” och fått göra tre omslag för VeckoRevyn. Nu är det dags för nya äventyr, så jag hoppas ni vill hänga med på resan!

Instagram: @jannid

Kontakt: [email protected]

Janni Delér, 28 years old from Stockholm, Sweden, living in Monaco . Love everything with fashion, travel and fitness.

Live a pretty unusual life with lots of travels with my husband, Jon Olsson (skiier) and a bunch of other stuff. Here you can follow me on my journey and all adventures!

In just one year everything changed, when I started this blog I couldn’t really imagine what it would bring, I just wanted to document my life and be able to go back and see all the things I’ve been doing. Now it’s a big part of my life and I love it!

I won Finest blog award ”Newcomer of the year” and also did three covers for the magazine VeckoRevyn. Now it’s time for new adventures and I hope you will join me!

Instagram: @jannid

Contact: [email protected]

27 reaktioner på “BIO”

  • Susan says:

    How can you afford to travel so much?? I want to have a job that allows me to travel aswell, so what do you do for a living or how you get to travel this much??

  • Amy says:


    Love your blog. What camera/editing tool ado you use? The pictures have a brilliant effect to them. Thanks!

    • Janni says:

      Hey sweetie, and thank you! <3 I use Nikon D600 and edit them in Lightroom. :-) Big hug!

      • Amy says:

        Thank you so much! :) You have inspired me! Do you use a blogging platform or is this your own ‘website’ – I’m new to all this! x

  • nadine says:

    may I ask you how tall are you?

  • Lisa says:

    Hi there! :) I really love your blog and all of your pics, you’re an inspiration!
    May I ask you something? Do you edit every pics or just some of them?

  • Florian says:


    I’m a big fan of you and Jon and the Instagram pics of you both are billiant.
    I love skiing so i’m very often on the snow…mostly in Livigno – Italy.
    So I’ve often enough asked myself wheter Jon Olsson or you already have been there.
    It would be great if I get an answer on these question.

    Best wishes :)

  • Tina says:


    I love your blog, I am reading it more than one year now and I enyoy your pics every single day!

    May I ask something about an effect you used to use on your party photos? I hope you know which effects I have in mind :)

    Love u! =*

    • Janni says:

      Hey sweetie, and thanks a lot! <3 Makes me happy! I shoot the pics with a flash and change the shutter speed. Try it and spin the camera after the flash goes off! Hugs <3 <3

  • Cathy says:

    Hey :) First I have to say, that I loooove your blog & your instagram account.
    I really like your pictures & I wanted to ask you, what lens you use?
    I guess a wide angle lens, but I would love if you could tell me which one :)
    Have a nice day :D <3

  • Mille says:

    Hi B-e-a-utiful Janni!
    “How can you afford to travel so much?? I want to have a job that allows me to travel aswell, so what do you do for a living or how you get to travel this much??”
    repost from Susan. I was wondering the same thing. I envy you soooo much about you having the opportunity to travel and experience so much. Love your blog and the pictures!!
    hugs.. <33

  • Ines says:

    Janni, I am so happy to have found your blog and instagram. You’re beautiful and I love the content you put out. You’re my kinda gal. I just have one question. I know as of late you’ve been using the Leica, is that correct? If you don’t mind me asking, which one do you have and which lens do you use? Thanks lovely. Keep up the amazing work. Xx

  • Keanan says:

    I love keeping up with your vlogs, as well as Jons! I was wondering what platform you use to edit your videos, they always turn out so beautifully! The colors are always so vibrant and the effects to the music make it so enjoyable to watch! Keep up the daily vlogs, they are so entertaining to watch! -xoxo

  • Rugile says:

    Hey Janni! I’m in love Your blogs, vlogs and You <3 Your life seems is perfect! I have one question for you: What the camera filming Your vlogs? :) Hugs

  • Mathilde says:

    Hej Janni! I just discovered your blog and I really enjoy it :)
    I was wondering if you do newsletters? :) xx

  • Julie says:

    I obsessed! I watch your videos all the time! I love to travel with my friends and family. I hope one day I can go to Monaco. I love watching your blogs and other travel videos. I am only 16 but I hope to travel around the world too!!
    Best of Luck!!
    – Julie

  • Lilli says:

    Hey Janni♡ You’re the most amazing and beautiful woman on earth and you inspire me so much! You and Jon are so cute and I hope I will have such a perfect relationship like you two someday… I love you Janni♡
    Lovely greetings from Cologne/Germany

  • I love your blog & vlogs! makes me happy! <3

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Janni,
    I’m a bit of a vlog addict and just read your BIO. And noticed that you probably forgot to change the “boyfriend” to a “husband”.
    I absolutely don’t want to come across like a jerk.

    Love from Austria 😚

  • Simran says:

    Love your blog you are so amazing people and your photos are so awesome keep sharing such destination photos.
    God bless you !
    love from India

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