Ivory T-shirt (here!)/ Anna Culotte pants (here!)
Hej babes! Här kommer en helgul look från Palma, vi var ju där och plåtade Gina Tricot’s kampanj (som nu är live, SÅ fin!!). Jag har helt fastnat för gult, det började väl för två år sedan när jag köpte min första gula väska. Ni vet redan min kärlek för färgglada kläder, men jag måste nog säga att gult sticker ut lite extra. :-) När jag såg “Lemonade” på tishan så var det ett solklart köp för mig, det är min favorit att dricka på sommaren och jag gillar att matcha kläder till ett set. Våga mer färg babes, jag lovar att livet blir liite roligare då! ;-) Gina Tricot har så mycket fint inne nu, jag vill köpa halva hemsidan när jag kollar runt och det var exakt så jag kände när vi plåtade kampanjen också. Så hett tips är att spana in deras hemsida nu, mycket färg och color blocking. Hörs sen babes, PUSS <3
//Hey babes! Here’s an all yellow look from Palma, we were there to shoot Gina Tricot’s campaign (which is now online, SO pretty!!). I’m totally in to yellow, I think it started two years ago when I bought my first yellow bag. You already know my love for colorful clothes, but I must say that yellow stands out a bit extra. :-) When I saw “Lemonade” on this tee I bought it straight away, it’s my favorite drink during summer and I like to match my clothes to a set. Dare to wear more colors babes, I promise that your life will be a bit more fun then! ;-) Gina Tricot have so many nice things in store now, I wanted to buy half the website when I scrolled around and that’s exactly how I was thinking when we were shooting the campaign. So a great tip is to check out their website now, lots of colors and color blocking. Talk later babes, HUGS <3
Yellow looks so nice on you!
Mireia from TGL
So sad,it is out of stock … love the outfit Janni
Yellow looks so good on you! Love your hair in this pictures xoxo
Tishan har jag, men byxan var jag lite för kort för tyvärr
This is so gorgeous! Love this so much. <3
Love, Sandra / http://shineoffashion.com
Monochromatic looks are so cool!
I’m suddenly thirsty for Lemonade
Til next time
Ciao Ciao
Åh vad snyggt och du passar verkligen i gult! :-D
You look amazing yellow suits you so pretty!
Much love xx
I really love the shirt you’re wearing. X
Beautiful ladies! Such a fun photos and outfits perfect for summertime!
I am glad to see this brilliant post. all the details are very helpful and useful for us, keep up to good work.
Thanks for publishing this details.
This is a very great post and the way you express your all post details that is too good.thanks for sharing with us this useful post.
I am glad to see this brilliant post. all the details are very helpful and useful for us, keep up to good work.
This is a very great post and the way you express your all post details that is too good.thanks for sharing with us this useful post..
This is a very great post and the way you express your all post details that is too good.thanks for sharing with us this useful post..
This is a very great post and the way you express your all post details that is too good.thanks for sharing with us this useful post..