Visited the cutest place with amazing coffee, even met two “fans” who owned the place. So much fun!
Efter våran misslyckade skiddag med för mycket snö så åkte vi in till en liten stad med bilen, lite ovant att köra på fel sida vägen som de gör här (fel för mig iallafall haha!). Vi hittade ett mysigt lite café så vi satte oss och åt en fika/lunch och drack det godaste kaffet på den här resan. Perfekt cappuccino, som jag saknat det! Världens trevligaste par som ägde stället följde mig på Instagram vilket kändes helt sjukt. Mitt ute i ingenstans i Japan, trodde jag aldrig skulle hända! Ville ju självklart vara med på bild med de två goingarna! <3 Kul att se lite mer av stället här och inte bara skidbacken, sen att det var grymt kaffe var ju ett plus. ;-) Puss så länge!
//After our failed ski-day with too much snow we went in to a small town with the car, a bit unusual to drive on the wrong side of the road like they do here (wrong side for me at least haha!). We found a cute café so we sat down and had a snack/lunch and also the tastiest coffee on this trip. A perfect cappuccino, oh how I’ve missed it! The nicest couple that owned the place followed me on Instagram which just feels crazy. In the middle of nowhere in Japan, I never thought that would happen! Of course I wanted to join a picture with those two sweethearts! <3 Fun to see a bit more of this place and not just the slope, and a great coffee was a plus. ;-) Hugs babes!
Hi, are those phone covers from they are sooo niice ;-)
Nope, it’s actually a phone from Golden Dreams Geneva. :-) Hugs!
Thank you for coming and put on your HP. We are very very happy today!! It became a nice memories. Please come to Niseko again. Have a nice trip!!
Thank you for an amazing lunch-stop, it was so fun to meet you guys! <3 I will try to come back for another coffee soon! :-) Big hug to you guys!
Men åh vad roligt :-D <3
This cafe looks so cool !
Really like your phone case :))
Love, L
Loving how you look all sporty and almost bare-faced in these snapshots! You seem like a true, natural beauty.
Greetings from Ko Lanta, Thailand, where I’m happy to be having a vacation at the moment.
Thanks sweetheart! <3
mobilskalet är det snyggaste jag har sett.. herregud! Synd bara att min iphone5 inte ens har en framsidan längre haha :(*
var är mobilskalet ifrån förresten?
Tack fina du! Det är faktiskt en telefon, från Golden Dreams Geneva. :-) Kram!
That’s a really cute couple. He’s handsome and she’s gorgeous. I bet their children are going to be very cute. ;-) Who would’ve thought though, that you’d run into some fans in a small town in northern Japan. Small world indeed.
I know, it just feels crazy! :D Hugs! <3